Corazon x [F] Reader - 👻The Wandering Ghost - Part 4

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Garp 🤎

Captain from before came in saying that the Fleet Admiral wanted to see me. And that someone would be coming to watch over the Commander. He directed me to Fleet Admiral's office, I made my way.

"Hello, excuse me, Miss, I was wondering if you could help me." Look behind and see an older man dressed in a Marine Officers' uniform. And a scar next to his left eye.

"I can try, what's wrong?"

"I was wondering if you knew where the Commander is?"

I'm new here and know nothing. "I'm sorry I can't help you. See I only just boarded the ship a few days ago. And I'm terrible at remembering who's who. I was just on my way to one of the offices. Sorry, I couldn't be much help, bye!" I wave him off and turn to leave.

As I go to walk off he grabs my arm. "I think you know who."

"I'm sorry Sir but I really don't know who you're talking about. Please let go you're hurting my arm."

I try and pull my arm. He pulls me into a room.

"Let go you bastard!"

Once in he closes the door and lets go.

"What the hell?"

"Not till you tell me where the Commander is."

"I don't know who you're talking about. I'm new here, let me out!" There's no way I can fight him. He's too big, obviously stronger. I just have to buy my time and hope the Fleet Admiral sends someone to find me. Or I find a way to get out.

"You know I'm starting to think, you're not really a Marine." He rubs his chin, "maybe you don't know."

"Yeah, whys that?" I look around the room for something or some way out.

"One you haven't tried alert anyone of what's happening." True I only know the Fleet Admiral and the Captain that it. "Two you haven't fought back, and three you have no weapons whatsoever."

"That's all true, still doesn't mean I'm not a Marine. I'm just a cabin girl and a stable hand. What's the need for weapons, as long as I clean and do a good job. I don't get in trouble." I walk back and bump into a desk. He walks towards me, I walk around the desk.

"So you say..." I see he left an opening, I can make a run for the door.

My hand hits a coffee cup, cold but full. "Sir you look a little tired, how about you have some COFFEE!" I threw it in his face and made a run for it. I reach the door, and pull on the handle its lock?! I'll try push, no it's locked.

"Bwahahaha, did you think I wouldn't lock the door?" Before he turns, I hide and stay quiet.

He walks over to the door, I sidestep him. I try to look for the keys on him. Shit, where are they?! "You can't hide from me girl."

He swings at me, I move just in time. I get a glimpse at a set of keys.

"Why don't you reveal yourself? There's no use in hiding."

There's no way I'm showing myself. He's old, things start to give away as you get older.

He tries to punch me, I roll out of the way. He punches the chair and absolutely destroys it! I thought you got weaker, not stronger! I'm so fucked...

"You going to tell me yet girl?" He walks over to me and grabs my leg. I'm hanging upside down. See the keys, amongst other things... Things... I reveal myself.

"You wanna know?" He looks at me a little shocked, then laughs.

"That's what I've been waiting for."

"Here she is," I hold my fist out, looks at me confused. I punch him in the nuts. He lets go and I fall to the floor, as does he.

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