Sanji Vinsmoke x [M] Reader 🙅🏼‍♂️ Don't Like Men AU - Part 1

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- Currently writing the story. Won't be posted for the quite while -

I hate this... Everyone's soulmates love each other. No matter their colour, lifestyle or gender. But mine... Mine hates me cause I'm a guy! From the few conversations we've had. I figured out that my soulmate was a guy. Well, Mum did. He wants a girl for his soulmate. It's not my fault I'm a guy!

"Hey (Y/N), you okay?"

I look up, and Koby comes into my office. "Hey Koby, I'll be okay. Just annoyed my soulmate hates me. We haven't even met."

"I'm sure everything will change once you meet each other."

"Doubtful... From the few conversations we've had. He wants a lady, not a man."

"You can't pick who's your soulmate."

"My soulmate would love that if he could."

"I'm sure he'll come around. Just give him time."

I stare at him, "you do remember we can talk to our soulmates at 16. We're 23..."

"Ha... Some people take time to accept their soulmate is the same sex."


"Everything will work out."

"Hmmm... I'm going to head home."

"I know, how about you come with me and Helmeppo this Saturday? Luffy won't mind."

"I don't know, I got that big case coming up."

"One night isn't going to kill you."

I haven't gone out for a while. I guess I can socialize for the night. "As long as your friend is okay with me coming."

"Oh yeah, he won't mind. Luffy always looking for more friends."

"Okay, I'll message you later for details. See ya," I wave him off.

"Bye (Y/N)."


I sit in my office pen in hand. "I know he doesn't want to talk to me. A small conversation wouldn't hurt from time to time."

I drop the pen, "who am I kidding? He wants a woman as his soulmate, not a man."

I finish my drink and head to bed.

- Time Skip To Saturday Afternoon -

"You'll get along with Zoro..." Helmeppo

I finish my drink, "I remember Koby saying he's a drinker."

"That he is..."

"You two ready?" Koby comes out of their room.

"We're just waiting for you," I watch him walk over to Helmeppo and kiss him.

They accepted each other fine. They were shy at first, but they came around. They're a happy couple.

"Sorry (Y/N)..." Koby quickly stands up.


"Don't be. You two make a cute couple. Let's get going before we're late." I get up and grab the esky and esky bag and head for the door.

"You got the meat on the bone?" Koby grabs his keys.

"Yep, made sure to get the best cut."

"I don't think Luffy would mind about the cut. As long as it was meat." Koby picks up the drinks esky.

"You're right there. I'm surprised he's still skinny for how much he eats."

"My cousin is a glutton and she never gains weight..." I walk out the door.

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