Nico Robin x [M] Reader 🐙 Eldritch Abomination - Part 1

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- I got inspiration from @gaypiratehell (Twitter) Their fanfic was Zoro x Sanji -

I walk around the streets. I hear the Straw Hats are close by. I might get to see her after all. "I guess we'll see if the stars are lined."

I walk further up the street, I see a guy flirting with the stall owner. Fool, haha. I walk past, "she's married."


I keep walking.

"Husband you should meet this nice boy ~"

"You're a cook too?"


Hahaha, poor guy. I keep walking.


Seems the Straw Hats are already here. The one flirting earlier was Sanji. I've seen Jinebi and Luffy running looking for food. Zoro seems to be lost.

Hmmm? Seems the stars are lined ~ I follow Robin turns down a street.

"Hello, Nico Robin ~"

She turns around. "Who are you?" She grips her bag,

I put my hands up, "no need to get defensive. I'm an old acquaintance of your mother's." She steps back. "I'm not going to hurt you. Your mother ask if I ever happen to meet you. I was to protect you. I can see you don't need protection. It seems your friends have a good hold on that."

"What do you want?"

"You intrigued me, your love for knowledge of the past. Especially the void period."

"Se -" I put my hand and freeze her, "what happened?"

"As I said I'm not going to hurt you." I let her go, "I want to help you find the poneglyhs."


"I want to help you find them. Lucky for you, I know where they all are ~"

"No, you don't."

"I do, there's one on this island. I can take you there right now."

"There's really one here?"

"Come with me and find out ~ Or return to your friends and not find it."

I watch her, I could pry into her mind.

"Where is it?"

"Oh, you're interested?" She glares at me. "Well, to get there you need to swim. Since you're a Devil Fruit User."

"Who are you working for?"

"No one, you can trust me. You won't be able to find this one on your own."

"I'll find it," she walks off.

"Good luck ~"

This should be interesting ~

- Time Skip A Few Days -

This has been interesting. Robin has been searching the whole island. And still hasn't found a clue. This amusing ~

"Look here comes Robin ~" She walks over, "any luck?"

"Where is it?"

"You could use some manners."

"Can you please take me to the Poneglyh?"

I jump off the crate and walk over to her. "This way ~" I hold my hand out, "no? I was trying to be a gentleman." I lead the way.

"Why do you want to help me?"

"You crave knowledge. I have the knowledge you need. Why not help you?"

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