Roronoa Zoro x [F] Reader 🏠 Never Home AU - Part 2

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"She's a good secretary. You can go do what you want." I go through the data on the computer.

"I can hear you (Y/N)..."

"You're supposed to! You hired a spy from the government! I told you don't, I had a bad feeling. But noooo you had to hire her."

"I see you haven't sent your divorce papers." He picks up the envelope.

I snatch it off him. "Because I've been busy sorting out your mess. And I haven't had time to send it."

"What law firm did you go with?"

"A divorce one obviously."

"Why didn't you go through the one we use? They do divorces."

"I rather not mix my personal life with work."

"Your 'personal life' is quite mixed with the firm."

"I was a teenager okay. I learnt from my mistakes. I made a decision to go with a different firm." My phone goes off, "hello?"

"Hello is this Mrs Roronoa (Y/N)?"

"Speaking," what's happened?

"Your husband Zoro has been rushed to emergency. After an incident at work."

Zoro is in the hospital! "Yes, I'll be right there!"

"We'll see you soon Mrs Roronoa."

I get up and grab my bag. "I have to go, Zoro in the hospital."

"I thought you were getting a divorce."

"I'm not heartless Iceberg!" I rush to the car, "I swear if you die on me Moss head."


I get to the hospital Zoro is still in surgery. My Messenger has been blowing up.

Luffy: any word?

Nami: Do you need someone with you?

Usopp: what happened?

Sanji: Moss head won't die. He's to stubborn for that.

Nami: SANJI!

Usopp: don't say that! That's bad luck!

Nami: USOPP!

Usopp: it's true

Jimbei: I'm sure Zoro will be fine. He'll have you by his side.

Robin: Jimbei right (Y/N). I'm sure as soon as he hears you, he'll wake up.
Hopefully comes to his senses as well.

Sanji: Marimo have senses 😆

Nami: SANJI!!

Franky: if Zoro was going 2 die. It would be by (Y/N) with s3x. Perfect way 2 die 👍

Sanji: 🫡

Brook: 🫡

Usopp: 🫡

Luffy: 🫡

Brook: Death by panties!

Nami: None of that 🤜🏻💀

Brook: Ow...

Nami: Luffy do you even know what you're saluting to?

Luffy: no

Nami: 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Robin: So thighs @Franky

Franky: AWO! By thighs!

At least they're trying to help.

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