#39: Forever Falls Apart - Part I

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So, this one is a bit... different. You'll see.

I've put a lot (like A LOT) of effort into this chapter--possibly more than in any other--so I'd really appreciate your opinions here. Seriously. I have drafts for this from 2019 (for future readers, it's 2022 now that I write this). By the way, it's going to have three parts. Just so you know.

Useful information for the chapter: Eira is a female name originating from the Norse goddess of healing Eir. Eira is also a female name in Wales, also meaning "snow" in the Welsh language.

Trigger warnings: severe mental illness, self-harming, suicide attempt, various references to alcoholism, violence and abuse. Also, talking about death quite a lot.

Also, I don't care if you liked or disliked the Loki series, but if you think it made him "too sensitive," then you ain't ready for this one. (P.S. Please don't start a quarrel about the series in my comments section. Please. Thanks in advance.)

I hope you like it. ♥

Published on March 2022

Present day

Loki had woken up some minutes ago, yet he kept his eyes closed. The sky was still dark. The thoughts were still in his mind; the feelings were still in his heart. Sorrow. Bitterness. Despair.

Nightmares again...

Wait. That was a cry, wasn't it? She was awake. He had to bed her down. His little daughter. Just stand up. Easy to say. He tried to lift his torso upright. He didn't make it. It's okay. One more time.

No, it wasn't okay. Never had been. And now everything was aggravating since Y/N left. Why did she have to go? They loved each other. She didn't want to go--as though she knew, somehow. But life takes from everyone. It takes more than it gives.

It had been one month since Y/N went away. A long, tormenting month.

Another cry snapped him back to reality. Right. You have to do this. For your little girl. He forced himself to stand. At last, he did it. He walked out of the room, taking hold of the furniture and the wall to prevent himself from collapsing. He was tired. So tired and done.

He reached his daughter's cradle. Looking at her, a small smile broke out on his lips. She was so small--just three months old. And so lovely.

"Shh... Come on, I'm here now... Shh..." He took the baby in his embrace and began singing the lullaby Y/N used to sing. I miss you. He couldn't believe he'd never see her again.

Loki stopped singing when his little girl had fallen asleep. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. My only reason to carry on. He put her back to her cradle and then he went back to his bed, lay down and tried to sleep. Alas, sleep wouldn't come, and then suddenly it was morning, and he had to live one more day. For your daughter.

He had a shower to kind of put himself together and fed his little girl, and then, he just stood there, holding her in his arms. She began laughing. Loki smiled softly as he caressed her hands. My precious girl.

The noise of a key turning in the lock sounded. Loki swivelled his head and then walked out of the kitchen, still holding his child in his embrace. He arrived at the entryway the moment that Thor closed the door behind him. Right. You've given him keys. It's so stupid of you to worry. Or to hope...

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