#45: Because Of You - Part I

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For starters, this was supposed to be a single-part story, but I couldn't help myself.

Anyway, this is a request by skylark365 . It's a high-school AU, where the reader (aka you) is Loki's classmate, and... well, Loki isn't having a great time (but does he ever in my angst-filled stories?).

Anyway, trigger warnings: graphic description of domestic abuse, a couple of references to drug and alcohol use/addiction. Also, use of the f-slur.

Note: I know that families vary, and not all of them are the stereotypical "loving parents, a mom and a dad, with one or two kids." There are single mothers, single fathers, LGBT+ couples who might have a kid or more and not be a man and a woman, and so many other things. And don't get me started on the 'loving parents' part. Acknowledging, though, that, in most families, there is at least a mother, the reader (you) has a caring mother in this fic. If that's not true for you, I'm sorry if I make you feel left out, but I just have to write the story somehow. (these things give me headaches, I swear.)

I wish you like this one.

Published on July 2022.


"Hey, new kid!"

Y/N rolled her eyes as she heard the loud voices of the high-school bullies. The "new kid," a student who had entered the establishment for the first time just a few hours ago, held his books closer to his chest, and his pace quickened as he approached his locker, which was next to Y/N's. He fiddled with the lock for a few seconds as the bullies kept laughing at him (for no reason at all) and calling out insults, trying to ignore them, and then he groaned and slammed his palm against the locker.

"Damn," he cursed under his breath, gritting his teeth.

Y/N glanced at him, and as she did, so did he. They locked eye contact, and before it could become awkward, she asked, "Can I help you?"

"I can't get this thing open," he grumbled. "It's my locker, but I'm new, and I just can't get the combination to work."

"Oh, let me-... What's your combination?" He handed her a note that he had been holding along with his books. "So, you just need to..." Her voice faded as she tampered with the lock. The bullies' taunting died down. A few seconds later, the locker door opened. "See?"

"Yeah," he mumbled. "Thanks."

Y/N observed him as they both put their books into their lockers. He was wearing a black unbuttoned shirt over his green top and casual jeans, and when he turned to look at her again, closing the door of his locker, she noticed his nails were painted black. His lips formed a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, and he breathed a sigh as he pushed a strand of his long raven hair out of his face.

"You were at literature class, right?" he asked her then, and she nodded. "I'm Loki, by the way."

"I'm Y/N," she introduced herself, returning his smile. "I like your name. Is it Scandinavian?"

"Yes--I'm from Norway," he replied. "I just moved here."

"And how does New York seem to you so far?"

"It's... okay."

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