#33: You're Not What You've Done

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So, this is a request by Danger_rose2012. It's an AT where the Avengers team managed to not tear themselves apart in "Civil War," and Loki never got k-worded by Thanos (the purple bitch got what he deserved bruh –and now I think I just spoiled my own story, bravo, dearie me), and... You'll see.

The sage blade image on top of the chapter is there because... LOOK AT IT. I LOVE IT. 🔪✨

I understand I'm in the Loki fandom and consequently need no trigger warning for brainwashing/mind-control, but I mention it here just in case. Also, there's some mild violence. Apart from that, nothing worth labelling as triggering (I think).

[This chapter is dedicated to the memory of Chadwick Boseman]

Enjoy. ♥

Published on November 2021

Steve Rogers had somehow managed to calm Tony Stark down, even though the latter had found out that the Winter Soldier had been the one to murder his parents in 1991.

"Bucky was one more victim of HYDRA's atrocities, Tony," Steve had said. "Just like your parents."

And, even though he hadn't listened to a word Steve had said up to that point, Tony listened to that. Bucky Barnes had been a puppet, used by evil cowards to do their dirty work. He was as innocent as his parents; harming him would be almost as horrible as harming them.

"The world must know," he had said, offering Steve –whom he had pushed to the ground less than a minute ago– a helping hand.

"They will," Steve had responded and then looked over at Bucky.

It was still hard for Tony to look at the guy and not punch him in the face, to say the least, but he knew he had to drown the urge. "And you," he had said, pointing at Barnes. "You have a lot to explain.


Back at the Avengers Headquarters, all the members of the team who were on Earth –except for Rhodey, who was still in the hospital– had gathered together. Almost having forgotten their disagreements over the Sokovian Accords and spending time to explain the Winter Soldier's situation, the team almost seemed united once again –just like the old times. Even those who had been apprehended by the government after having helped Captain America save his friend were released after the information about HYDRA's Winter Soldier Programme came to light, and the bodies of the other Winter Soldiers that Zemo had killed were found.

"There is one more," Bucky said when someone mentioned that he was 'the only person from the programme who was alive.'

"One more soldier?" Steve asked.

"Yes. I saw all the bodies when we were in HYDRA's Siberian facility, and I am absolutely certain that one was missing."

"Do you know who it was?" Sam inquired.

"The scientists usually called us 'soldiers,' but sometimes they would use our surnames in the beginning –before they erased our memories. Hers was Y/L. I could also give you a description of her, and someone could make a sketch."

"And where could this woman be?" Vision asked.

Bucky shrugged. "When Steve and Natasha revealed HYDRA's secrets, I looked at them. There is one base that hasn't been taken down yet, in Greenland. It's the most secret and secure HYDRA facility, and I'm aware of its existence solely because I have been there. After exposure of the organisation, this base was the only one safe for HYDRA, so the few people who hadn't been apprehended and all the equipment they managed to retrieve before the government would do something were probably transferred there. Y/L must have been taken there too."

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