#1: Nothing But A Monster

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Well, first story in my book!

Published on December 2018


Loki was sitting in a chair, covering his ears with his hands. He hated this place and, oh, this bloody headache was killing him!

He never liked clubs and bars. They just weren't for him. He would rather stay home and watch a movie, but Y/N had made him come.

It was not the noise that annoyed him the most. It was the people. They were just pushing him away, like he didn't deserve kindness, without even apologising for what they had done. And the screams of the drunken people were so annoying!

The God of Mischief looked at the empty whiskey glass which was in front of him.

"Give me one more", said he to the barman.

He had drunk more glasses than he could count, but he needed it if he was going to afford the situation for at least two more hours. He looked at his clock and frowned. Midnight. He never slept at this time, but now he felt so tired! The only thing he wanted this moment was to go home and lie in his bed.

He stood up and searched for Y/N. He endured pushes and kicks but finally found her dancing with one of her friends. He reached out his hand and touched her shoulder. She turned her head and smiled.

"Come on, Loki, dance with me!" Y/N said loudly and grabbed his forearm.

"No, can you come outside for a minute? I need to talk to you!" Loki replied, loud enough to be heard.

Y/N followed him outside.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Darling, let's go home. I don't feel so good", he replied.

"Ugh, come on, don't be a fool, let's have fun!"

"Y/N, please, I don't have fun here."

Y/N crossed her arms across her chest and walked past him.

"Fuck you", said she angrily.

"Is this alcohol talking?" Loki asked ironically, turning his head towards her.

"No, it's me talking!"

Loki's hands clenched into tight fists. Come on, it's nothing serious, he heard his inner voice saying. He ignored it.

"Alright then. I'm leaving. The house is near. I hope you have keys, because I might not open the door for you". He walked across the street. The wind was bitterly cold, but he didn't care.

"Hey, WAIT!" Y/N called and ran behind him. Loki ignored her and kept walking. He didn't know if she cared for him, but honestly, even if she did, she didn't really show it. The trickster kept ignoring the woman until he arrived at their house, where he almost slammed the door on her face.


"Well, stop then, because it's not working", Loki replied, looking at her sarcastically.

"I wanted to STAY! But YOU don't seem to care about what I WANT!"

"I don't? You don't seem to care about me, do you? Is this the love you promise? Because it doesn't look like it".

"Love is not something a monster like you could ever feel!"

Her words cut deeper than a knife buried inside his heart.


It was the raw pain and the crack in his voice that made Y/N realise what she just said.

"Loki, I-"

"Is that what you think of me...?" whispered Loki. The pain in his voice was greater now. He turned his back on her and leaned on the couch, trying to hide the hot tears that began rolling down his cheeks.

"I didn't-"

"Get out", he commanded her.

Y/N touched his shoulder.

"GET OUT!" Loki spun himself around and pushed her away. His eyes red, full of tears, the pain, the anger, the disappointment so strongly seen in them. His look terrified her so much, that she almost screamed!

Y/N ran to the bedroom and Loki heard the door slamming behind her. Once he was alone, he sat on the sofa and hid his face with his hands, crying and sobbing uncontrollably. Here he was, completely numb and broken, with demons in his traumatised heart.


Y/N was standing behind the door of her room, listening to the God of Mischief sobbing his heart out. She couldn't hear him crying. It was too much for her. And she was the one who made him hurt...

She moved away the door and lay in her bed. Silence spread in the atmosphere. A strange, alarming silence. And then she heard it. The most desperate scream she had heard in her whole life. She had never heard someone screaming more angrily, more painfully... And then a sound, a heavy object falling on the floor. And anther. And one more. And Loki's desperate scream becoming louder and louder.


With his hair messed up and his palms wounded from burying them into the fragments, Loki fell onto the floor with his back against the wall. The tears didn't come to an end. He cuddled his legs and hid his eyes on his knees. A monster. You are nothing but a monster.

His pain was so deep and his mind so confused, that he didn't hear the bedroom's door opening.

"You were right". Loki lifted his head up and saw Y/N approaching him slowly, "It was alcohol talking".

"I don't think so". His voice was raspy and his face stained with tears.

"You better believe it. I was drunk, Loki, I still am... I know this is no excuse, but..." her voice faded.

"Then alcohol was right and wrong at the same time. I am a monster, but I can feel love. I just thought... maybe people were wrong when they called me a monster... I thought that you didn't believe this, that you saw something inside me that others can't see. I thought you were different. My fault".

Y/N sat on the floor next to him.

"Maybe you're a good monster", said she and put her head on his shoulder. Loki smiled softly.

"Maybe", he whispered, stretching his legs forwards.

"I'm sorry", told Y/N. Loki hugged her waist with his hand.

"Don't be. It was a fight and it's over now".

"What about those?" asked Y/N, pointing at the fragments on the floor.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot". He slightly moved his hand and the broken things were magically fixed and put back into their places.

"Why don't you like bars?"


"Bars. What's wrong with them? You make a long face every time we visit one".

"It's just... I don't like all this indecency and disrespect... most people there look so indecorous and careless... they will step on you if you fall, instead of helping you. I don't like this. Maybe I am the wrong person to say this, but that's how I feel".

Y/N kissed Loki's cheek.

"Alright. We can watch a movie tomorrow". Loki's smile became a wide grin.

"Yes", he mumbled.

"And don't be afraid. It's going to be alright".

"It's going to be alright", Loki repeated silently. It's going to be alright.


[Edit: honestly, the only reason why I haven't deleted this chapter yet is that y'all seem to like it. Because I don't.]

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