#31: I Want To Hold You Close

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Hi. :)

This one-shot is a request by @gryffindorgirl93 :

"So basically it would be based on the song "Tear You Apart" by She Wants Revenge. but instead of a school type setting do stark tower, like Loki has a crush on the reader and vice versa but they don't want the others to know. I feel like it would be a little bit of angst and fluff."

So yeah, I did that. The song at the beginning of the chapter is obviously "Tear You Apart."

Idk if I have to put a trigger warning for smoking because there's a scene with a bit of it, so I mention it here just in case.

Hope you'll like this one. ♥

Published on August 2021

Sometimes, the most common things in life feel like the weirdest. For example, the crush –or whatever it was, anyway– Loki had on Y/N.

He had not been in Midgard for a long time. Barely six months. The first few weeks, he lived in New Asgard, Norway with Thor, until the Avengers told them it would be better if moved to New York in order to be available in case of emergencies. And so did they; since New Asgard had a new leader –Valkyrie– it would be better for them to go where they were most helpful: The Avengers Headquarters in New York City.

That was when and where he met Y/N, the newest addition to the team. Little did he know when he shook her hand that she would become his new obsession. Or was it a crush? Or was it love? Or was it pure desire? He honestly had no idea.

That afternoon was a relatively calm one. He was lying on his bed, his eyes closed, and his chest rhythmically going up and down. He should technically be in his office, but it was only a floor away, so it made no difference.

Yes, Loki lived inside the Avengers compound. Finding an apartment in Manhattan wasn't an easy business, and thankfully it also wasn't necessary; Rhodes had offered him a room in the compound, and he had accepted, because... what's better than living next to work, right? Let alone rents were too high for his salary.

She was on his mind again. Y/N. As though she ever left... He would think of her all the time. Every single second, which could be a problem sometimes, because when you have missions to accomplish and paperwork to finish, imagining your co-worker naked can be highly distracting.

But it was completely out of his control... Yes, he could hold his sexual impulses down, but his fantasies? Not at all. Not a little bit. In fact, his imagination would be so wild at times that he had started to fear he was becoming some sort of creepy psycho.

She obviously wasn't the first person he had felt attracted to (but she certainly was the only one driving him crazy like that). He had been thinking of romance way more than he used to lately, and the only explanation he could give to himself was that, since it was the first time in his life he felt he was on the right track (being a hero, helping others), he had managed to stop doubting himself constantly and give himself the chance to think about other things, romance included.

Yes, he had experienced romantic attraction before in his life –he was a 1000-plus-year-old demigod, after all– but, damn, this was almost crazy. He could be turned on by just thinking about her, let alone being with her. Which was the main reason he had left his office and had gone to his room a few minutes ago. Because she was there, and he was there, and even though he loved being with her, it could also make him extremely awkward and drive him nuts.

His one hand hung loosely at the edge of the bed as he ran the other through his hair. And, at that moment, the door opened.

"Here you are! Why aren't you upstairs?"

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