#7: Family First - PART I

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And, yeah, whoever watches NCIS will know that the title is "stolen" from episode 24, season 13. Hehehe. Well, I hope you like this. (sorry for not posting sooner. eXAMS)

Published on February 2019

Loki had always been a good person. And Y/N knew it. If he wasn't one, he would have left her when she told him that she was pregnant. But he didn't. He stayed with her and supported her. The truth to be told, he was shocked in the beginning, but also excited the same time. They had got married just two weeks before she gave birth.

Their son, William, was a beautiful child. He had inherited Loki's black hair and blue eyes, and the smile of his mother. And he was growing up so fast!

Y/N and Loki had now been married for about two years. They loved each other, but this is not always enough. They fought every single day, and the fights were always bad. But, even if Loki was harsh sometimes at those moments, in front of the child he was always a sweetheart. William, who was now two years old, could walk perfectly and talk fluently enough, making both of them such proud parents.

Loki was such a good and caring father, yet not such a good husband. He never cheated on Y/N, but he was an expert on causing troubles. So, here they were, fighting for one more time.

They were in the kitchen, while William was upstairs, in his bedroom. Loki almost felt his blood warming in his veins. Y/N was shouting and he just wanted her to stop. He knew she was right, but his ego didn't let him admit it.

"...stop being so cruel!" Y/N yelled at once.

"Cruel? CRUEL? I'm just honest!"

"Then stop being such a MONSTER!"

This was it. She broke the line. Loki grabbed a knife from the table and turned it towards her.

"One more word! Say one more word, I dare you!"

Y/N froze up. Her whole body turned perfectly numb. She didn't mean what she said. It was bad, but she didn't mean it. Loki should've known!

"What the hell are you doing...?" she whispered.

Only then Loki realised it. The knife fell from his hand and he did a step back, totally bemused.

"Damn it... I-I'm sorry..." he mumbled, hiding his eyes in his palms.

"You're dangerous. We can't be together, Loki. I love you, but you're dangerous. For me, for the child... I want a divorce".

Loki's heart lost a beat. He looked at her at a loss. What? He knew they were fighting all the time, but he loved her so much.... And his son... How could he ever let them go? It's for their sake, he thought to himself.

"A-alright", he murmured some seconds after. Even if he tried to hide it, his pain was clear in his voice. Raw pain, like ha was losing a part of himself. "If you think that you... and William will be better with someone else... I just want to know that you will both be alright. We don't need to fight in juries and in front of the lawyers. The house is yours, our bank accounts are apart and I think we can make it out with the other stuff. I will be paying child support every month for William. Just be careful, okay?"

"Okay", mouthed she silently.

And so it happened. Loki agreed at everything she told him, signed every form he was given, always with that depressing look in his eyes. He didn't want this. He needed Y/N. He needed William. They were his family.

The day he was leaving arrived. Loki's things were in his car, the keys on the wheel. Y/N was holding William's hand. Loki approached them and sat on his heels so that William's face was slightly above his own.

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