#11: Flatmates

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Hello everybody! And yes, I finally updated! I'm so sorry for being that late, but I didn't have the time I needed, and with all those exams and stuff I barely found time to finish this --or to do anything actually. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this one!

Trigger warnings: abduction, abuse

[Edit: I put that video on top because it's, like, 80% of the plot]

Published on April 2019

It all began when Loki decided that he was bored with living in the same flat as Thor. Bored with cleaning his brother's mess all the time, bored with being locked in his room whenever Thor brought his friends and Loki was in a bad mood. So he made up his mind he had to find his own flat.


"Earth calls Loki!"

The God of Mischief averted his gaze from the computer screen and looked at the man who was sitting at the desk before his own.

"What do you want, Buck?" he asked, rolling his eyes and looking back at the screen.

"I've asked a million times what time it is".

"Seven. We must put a fucking clock somewhere in this room", replied Loki, looking around.

"What the hell is wrong with you today?" asked Bucky, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I'm looking for a new flat in want ads, but --fuck-- I don't think I have enough money to pay the rent to live in a good area. And I'm not going to keep being flatmates with Thor, it's a nightmare!"

"What about finding a flatmate?"

Loki looked at Barnes and leaned back on his chair.

"A new flatmate?"

"Why not?"

"Do you know anyone who's not too messy, not too loud, not too annoying, who is willing to live with a former villain and is looking for a flatmate?"

"Yes", replied Bucky, "Do you care if it's a girl?"

"Should I? Man, woman, agender, I don't discriminate. Who's she?"

"She's a friend of mine; her name is Y/N Y/L. When you joined the Avengers, she had some questions on the subject, and knowing that I am an Avenger too, she came to me. I replied to those questions, telling her what I knew about the subject and the reasons we recruited you and she seemed to understand, and maybe... like you a bit...? Anyway, she's looking for a flatmate and I think she fits your description".

"Do you have her number?" asked Loki and began searching his cell phone in the desk's drawers.

When he finally found the device, Bucky gave him the number and Loki left the room to make the call, mumbling "You're a saviour, Buck" before doing so. He went to an empty, silent spot and dialled this Y/N.


"Umm... hello, is this Y/N Y/L?" asked Loki, who was suddenly seized by a sense of awkwardness.

"Yes, who's calling?" sounded a frustrated voice.

"I'm... my name is Loki Odinson. Bucky Barnes gave me your cell number and... he said that you're looking for a flatmate".

"Oh... yeah, of course. Are you interested?"

"Well, I guess... That's why I called you anyway".

"Right", mumbled Y/N.

"Anyway, I've never done this before, so... we meet somewhere and...."

"Yeah. I've found a very good furnished flat in Manhattan Valley, what about meeting there and seeing the place?"

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