#38: When You Cried, I'd Wipe Away All Of Your Tears

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Hey. Hope y'all are doing well. ♥

Anyway, this is a combo of two requests because I don't have enough time to write them in two separate chapters, and when I realised I could combine them, it looked great.

The first request is from a person who desired to remain anonymous.

"Ok, so could you maybe do one where Loki and Y/N are in a fight (you can choose a reason why they fight if you want to), and he raises his hand because he wants to put it in his hair, and Y/N flinched cause she thought he would hit her for she was being hit by maybe an ex or something?"

The second request is from lokis-darling.

"I have a request: Loki sees Y/n is slowly losing herself and her will to live. And, somewhere in the story, she ends up sobbing in Loki's chest."

I suppose you do understand that the trigger warnings are mental health struggles and references to domestic violence.

AlsoVERY important: living with people who deal with trauma is hard, especially if you deal with trauma as well. You might make mistakes. You might shout at them—hell, you might hurt them while trying to help them. It looks bad. It IS bad. But it's also humane, and anybody might find themselves in a situation like that. The other person has limits, and you do, too, and when those limits are crossed, you might say things you never meant to. It doesn't make you a bad personit makes you a human.

That being said, I wish you a happy reading.

Published on February 2022

Loki entered the flat by opening the door with his keys. The silence alarmed him, and he furrowed his brows, his eyes wandering around the dark room.

"Y/N?" he called out as he took off his coat and placed his bag on the couch. She must've been home—she usually came earlier than him, and today Loki was late.

The bedroom's door cracked open, and Y/N came out of the room. The first thing Loki noticed was the look in her eyes—why did her eyes seem so empty lately? Her hair was messy, and she was wearing her pyjamas. She smiled dimly when she saw him.

"Hey," she said, taking a couple of steps closer.

"Hi..." Loki mumbled, her frown becoming deeper. "You... What time did you come back home?" he finally asked.

"I didn't go to work," she responded, looking away. "I didn't feel well in the morning, so I took the day off."

Loki's shoulders dropped. "How are you feeling now?" he asked.

Y/N shrugged. "I'm fine."

"Sure?" the God of Mischief inquired incredulously, even though he knew both her answer ("yes") and the truth ("no").

"Yeah," she responded in a low voice, but she didn't dare to look up at him. Instead, she crossed her arms in front of her chest, giving Loki the impression that she was uncomfortable.

Oh, Loki knew there was something wrong with her—he knew that hurt too well. Sometimes he'd see himself in her—and it scared him. He had lived through a lot and had felt so much pain and sorrow, and seeing all these emotions in her... He approached her and put a hand on her forearm. His touch was gentle, and the fact that she didn't flinch as a response relieved him—a part of him had expected her to flinch.

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