#42: When A Blind Man Cries

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No one asked for a Blind!Loki fic.

But this is just that. Because, what's better than a fanfic where your favourite character suffers after all? 😃

(I hate myself)


Published on April 2022


Loki swept his hair off his face as he got off the bus and walked along the pavement. It was time for his monthly report to S.H.I.E.L.D.--which was a condition of release after getting arrested for his 'war crimes' the moment he lay a foot on Earth (That portals thing Strange did--impertinent!--couldn't he just stop it? And since he did it anyway, couldn't he just have sent Loki straight to S.H.I.E.L.D. instead of getting him to fall into nothingness for a good thirty minutes?).

He complained a lot about it and said it was stupid--it was so stupid of them to think that reporting regularly to a bunch of mortals would prevent him from doing anything illegal if he ever made up his mind. Alas, his complaints most of the time fell on deaf ears, and the one person actually listening to them was Y/N. Basically, Y/N seemed to be the one person who listened to him at all; the person who made him feel things--the one who seemed to restore his faith in humanity every time something made him lose it.


The previous night

"This is fatuous," Loki mumbled to himself when the long discussion between him and Y/N became about the conditions of his parole, in particular the monthly report term. "So unnecessary. As if I don't come here"--he gesticulated, as if trying to point at the entire Avengers compound in one move--"and have my ass monitored, anyway."

They were alone in the room, and they had finished and were free to go but stayed for the sake of spending time with each other, chatting. Loki was standing with his back pressed against the edge of his desk while Y/N was sitting on her chair.

"I guess it must be annoying, and more so if you're busy or not good at keeping up with dates and such. But it's a small price to pay for freedom, isn't it?" Y/N responded, shrugging her shoulders.

Loki shook his head. "Freedom is a lie. An elaborate, convincing one--but still a lie."

"Now you're just being dramatic."

"No--think about it. Can you do anything you want? Not counting harmful things because they invade other people's so-called freedom, but anything other than that--can you do it?"

"I-" Y/N broke off, and then she shot a weird glance at Loki. "What is this, a philosophical debate?"

Loki laughed. "Could be. I have a lot to say about it if you're interested."

"Such as?"

"Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart, you will know peace," he cited.

"That sounds well-thought. Who said it?"

"Oh, I did. The funny thing is that... When I'd said that, it hadn't been long since I had realised that freedom is deceit, and I had yet to accept it, so... I expressed that inner conflict by being violent and... not quite peaceful. But it was true. It was true then, and it's true now."

"So now you've accepted it?"

He beamed. "I think so. I know I'm not free, and I'm... I'm calmer now. It annoys me to know that freedom is a lie and choice is an illusion at times, but yes, I think I've dealt well with it."

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