#3: Chains

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Hello again! ♥ Well... I'd written this about a month ago, before creating this book.  I should have posted earlier, but I didn't have the time. Anyway, hope you like it! ♥♥

Trigger warning: captivity, torture

Published on December 2018

You can't imagine this pain if you haven't lived it. Being tortured is terrible, but when someone tortures a person you love in front of your eyes is a new level of pain. It is a nightmare. It is a fire that burns you alive, minute by minute. You wish you were dead so you wouldn't see that. You want to die.


With his hair messed and his eyes red and puffy, Loki lifted his head up, holding his breath, and his heart lost a beat. "Please, stop!" he begged, trying to unchain himself, but it was useless.

Y/N was tied on a table in front of him, with a cloth put on her face. A man was standing in front of her, with a decanter of water. He spilt the liquid on the cloth and Y/N began convulsing and coughing.

"PLEASE, STOP IT!" screamed Loki.

The man removed the cloth from Y/N's face and looked at her disdainfully.

"Enough for today", said he and untied her.

Y/N wanted to stand up and punch the man more than anything, but she didn't have the strength. The man walked towards the door and opened it.

"Why don't you just kill us?" asked Loki, exhaustion being clearly visible in his eyes. The man just smirked ironically and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Loki fell on the floor and hid his eyes on his knees. This was his fault. He and Y/N were sent to collect information by the Avengers. But things didn't go like they wanted to and they were caught because of him. And they lived this for three whole months. Y/N was tortured, and Loki was chained in this dark corner, watching... The man who was torturing them knew that they were not useful to him. He did that for fun. For him, all this was a joke. But, for Loki, this joke hurt intolerably much. And here they were now, barely alive by living with leftovers, tortured, skinny and hungry.

Y/N coughed and breathed in and out.

"I'm sorry", he exhaled, "I'm sorry Y/N". His eyes were full of tears.

Y/N moved slightly. "It's alright... We'll g-... we'll get off... this pl-... place...", said Y/N, still coughing and trying to clear her voice.

"We're here for three months and no one has found us. You live this every day for three months. I can't keep seeing this every single day. I probably would have killed myself if I didn't love you".

Y/N stood up and approached him. Her hair and face were wet and her eyes red and tired. "I know", she said as she sat next to him and kissed his lips softly.

Before this martyrdom began, Loki hadn't told Y/N about his feelings. But, when they were taken hostages, he had believed that they would die there and had to tell her; she had to know. Strangely, she felt the same. And, since then, they didn't hide their feelings. They only had each other after all.

"I have that thing again", said Y/N, "That urge to have sex with you".

Loki gave her a constrained smile.

"I've told you a million times, darling, we can't. Not here. Not now. If we ever get out of here... well, then I owe you hanky-panky".

She laughed slightly and kissed him again. Loki's whole body shivered when she licked his neck. He let out a soft moan.

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