Jelly Jack (Ft. Hiccup)

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- I dare Elsa to make Jack jealous by using Hiccup.

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Elsa: Our first dare, everybody. Yey. *cheers weakly*

Merida: ...

Rapunzel: *sees Merida's reaction* What's wrong, Mer? *nudges her*

Merida: *shrugs* Uh, good luck, I guess?

Merida: Er, just don't smooch him. I mean, not that I care. It's just that... uh, his breath stinks? 

Elsa: Uh, thank you for that input.

Rapunzel: No kissing. Got it! *laughs awkwardly* *hides crossed finger behind back*

Rapunzel: *points at nowhere* *fakes Scottish accent* Merida! It's Mor'du!

Merida: *widens eyes* *aims bow and arrow* WHAT? WHERE?!

Rapunzel: *hits Merida with a frying pan*

Merida: *passes out* *falls on floor*

Elsa: Cousin, was that really necess--

Rapunzel: Yes.

Elsa: *sighs* Alright, let's get this over with. The sooner we can finish this, the better it is for everyone. 

Elsa: Hiccup, we need you!

Hiccup: *walks in* *biting on a bologna sandwich* You called, miladies? 

Elsa: *whispers the plans to Hiccup*

Hiccup: *eyes widen* *jaw drops* *drops sandwich*

Sandwich: *while falling* In the arms of an angel~

Rapunzel: *catches sandwich*

Sandwich: Thank you, giant! You have saved my life! And for that, I am forever in your debt!

Rapunzel: *devours sandwich*

Hiccup: *stares at Elsa* Say 'sike' right now. That is arguably the worst idea in the history of worst ideas.

Elsa: Trust me, I don't like it either. But a dare's a dare, Hiccup. *shrugs*

Rapunzel: Besides, the worst Jack can do to you is freeze you to death in probably 0.78 seconds.

Hiccup: Yeah, you know, that is just not helpful. At all.

Hiccup: *sees unconscious Merida on floor* *sees the frying pan beside her*

Hiccup: What the--? Did you just hit her with your frying pan?

Rapunzel: Don't think of it as "hitting her with my frying pan;" think of it as "eliminating possibilities for errors!" 

- later -

Jack: *flying around the halls* Man, this house is huge. I could get used to this. It's even bigger than Santa's worksho-- *sees Hiccelsa talking to each other*

Jack: *lands near Hiccelsa* Hey, you two. Who are we gossiping about? Is it Bunny? I've got some choice words for him too! *chuckles*

Elsa: Oh, Hiccy! How could I have been so blind all these years? Uhm... well, we've only been here for a day, but uh-- I definitely should've been spending those 24 hours with you! Not that Jack Frost! 

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