Powerless Jelsa

190 9 2

- I dare Jelsa to not use their powers

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Elsa: *chuckles* Sure.

Jack: *chuckles* I'm dead.

Rapunzel: Woah, no sweat at all, cousin?

Elsa: *shrugs*

Merida: Not even a wee bit annoyed?

Elsa: Not even a wee bit.

Jack: Easy for you to say.. *pouts*

Jack: Mind you guys, I not only control ice and snow, I can also FLY. What should I do? Walk?

Mericcunzel: *slaps forehead*

Merida: *in a sarcastic tone* Oh no, Jack Frost is gonna walk.

Rapunzel: Jacky, you complain like you've never walked before.

Jack: Walking is for the weak!

Elsa: Jack, you can do this. Try being in Jackson Overland's shoes again. *messes up Jack's hair*

Jack: *looks at Elsa in a lovesick way* Hehe..

Elsa: That is.. if he wore any shoes..

Rapunzel: Elsa is totes gonna win!

Elsa: Well, I mean.. it's gonna be easy.. most of my childhood, I've just been trying to control, if not wish that my powers were gone for good, so.. I've had practice.. especially now that I can actually control it.

Rapunzel: Oh, right!

Merida: Laaaaame!

Elsa: I only ever use my powers nowadays to.. I don't know, freeze Hans..? Or get us out of trouble.

Jack: Now, you're just rubbing it off, Els! :<

Merida: Cowpoop! I'm sure you'll need to use your powers today at some point! And me and Hiccup will find out!

Hiccup: Y-yeah! *raises fist in air*

Hiccup: ...

Hiccup: Wait, we will?

Merida: Aye!

Jack: I.. think you guys should worry more about me triggering my powers than Snow over here..

Rapunzel: That'll be my job, Jack! *links arm with Jack* *pats Jack's head*

Merida: Excellent! The first of the two to use their powers will do Hiccup's laundry for a week!

Hiccup: Y-yeah!

Hiccup: ...

Hiccup: Yeah.. that sounds about right. *puts hands on waist*

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