Lovey Dovey Meri

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- I dare Merida to be lovey dovey with Hiccup!

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Merida: Not on yer life.

Rapunzel: A dare is a dare, young lady! 

Merida: Me? Be "lovey dovey"? With Dragon Boy? Three things that must never be put into one sentence. 

Jack: Why not? You two coupled two dares ago, didn't you? *grins*

Merida: *jabs finger at Jack's chest* We were just makin' noise, remember?!

Rapunzel: *gasps* So, you admit it. You guys really did cheat. That's just not fair!  A punishment is due. *crosses arms*

Merida: *laughs* How can I make it up to ye, my lady Punzel? *jokingly bows* 

Rapunzel: *chuckles* You can make up for it by doing this dare.

Jack: Hiccup is asleep right now. Poor guy's all dared-out from the last chapter. 

Merida: What do ye want me to do about it?

Elsa: Wake him up, maybe?

Merida: Aight, where's the airhorn? *starts rummaging through cabinets*

Elsa: Airhorn?! 

Rapunzel: Merida, no! Wake him up with... a kiss. Come on, is there not a romantic bone in your body?

Merida: What is he, Sleeping Beauty? Why do I need to wake him with a kiss?

Punzelsa: *sighs*

Jack: *laughs* Ha! This is gonna be swell. 

- later, in hiccup's room -

Hiccup: *snores loudly*

Merida: Oh, Hiccy! 

Hiccup: *continues to snore*

Merida: *climbs on top of him* Rise and shine, my wee Yak calf! 

Hiccup: *slowly opens eyes* 

Merida: *sighs* *leans in to kiss him* *accidentally knees Hiccup's stomach*

Hiccup: YOOOW! *suddenly sits up*

Merida: AH--! *falls off of bed* *hits the floor* --Ow! 

Hiccup: *gasps* What the--? Merida?!

Merida: *still on the floor* A bonnie morning to ya.

Hiccup: You're in my room?

Merida: *stands up* Aye, I just... wanted to check up on ye. Make sure you're not... dead?

Hiccup: Thanks... Doctor. 

Merida: Don't mention it... sweetheart?

Hiccup: ...

Merida: ...

Merida: So, what are you up to today?

Hiccup: I just take Toothless out for our morning rides as per usual. Did you want to come with?

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