Now I'm In a Frozen World with You

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- I dare jack and elsa to freeze the whole world

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Jelsa: *jaw drops*

Elsa: E-everywhere?

Jack: I've never thought of that before, but I don't think we can do that. *turns to Elsa* Can we...? It's like something a Jack Frost allied with Pitch Black would do.

Rapunzel: Well, Elsa was able to turn summer into winter before.

Jack: Yeah, in a small kingdom. This is the entire world we're talking about! We get tired too!

Rapunzel: You'll be fine! *pats Jelsa's back*

Elsa: ...

Jack: Uh, yeah. *pinches nose* I keep forgetting it doesn't even matter how much you disagree, we still have to "participate." *does air-quotes*

Rapunzel: *nods*

Hiccup: This is serious, guys. Jelsa could permanently alter the climate of the Earth. They're essentially being asked to cause another Ice Age. The seasons could be thrown off of balance. Animals could go extinct. People could die!

Merida: True, true.

Hiccup: THANK YOU. *sighs* So, we all agree?

Merida: But...

Hiccup: "But"? Why is there a 'but'?!

Merida: They could put the whole global warming kerfuffle to rest?

Hiccup: That's... not how it works. The ozone layer is still--

Jack: *shrugs* I'm convinced. It'll be a service to the children of the future too, right?

Hiccup: I--

Jack: *carries Elsa* Come on, Els! First stop, New York! *zooms through the window*

The Big Five: ...

Hiccup: *looks at the ceiling* *sighs* I tried, gods.

Rapunzel: Well, that was easy!

Hiccup: *gasps* *slaps forehead* Oh, no.

Meripunzel: What now?

Hiccup: Shouldn't we have made an announcement to the entire world beforehand? So, they could--I don't know---prepare, at least? Especially the tropical countries who've never seen snow before?

Meripunzel: Crud.

Hiccup: *holds up fanmail* Also... there's nothing in this letter that says they should unfreeze the world either. And we all know Jack...

Meripunzel: Double crud!

Hiccup: I tried to warn you, guys! But nOoOOoo, don't listen to the one-legged--

Rapunzel: Let's see the news! *turns on TV*

News Reporter 1: Good evening, I am Hugh Janus from the Peepee Studios at New York, here to report breaking news of a couple of crazed and seemingly supernatural individuals covering the entire city of Poopoo with ice and snow! The temperature is at all time low! Their motive for this action is still unknown as our investigators are currently frozen-- AAAH! *gets frozen*

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