Merry HalloweEaster

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- I dare you to go to the mall dressed as Halloween costume/ bunny crossovers on Xmas

~ • ~

Merida: Er.. halloween and bunny crossovers..?

Rapunzel: *snaps fingers* Ohhh, like, halloween or twisted versions of lil bunnies, right?

Elsa: Yeah, I think that's it!

Merida: Ahm.. I don't think that's it.. I think she or he meant we'd choose between Halloween costumes or bunny suits?

Rapunzel: Aw, heck. Why not both, right?

Hiccup: Welp. *clasps hands* *stands up* Let's go rent some halloween bunny suits! *points at nowhere in particular*

Jack: Ooor, I could steal some--

Elsa: Jack, NO.

Jack: Dammit..

~ • ~

Jack: W-we're wearing that?

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Jack: W-we're wearing that?

Rapunzel: *breathes in* Apparentlyyy. But, let's.. not do the knife weilding part.

Merida: No, we gotta. *snickers*

Jack: But, aren't we gonna go the mall? Where there are children?!

Hiccup: Yes..?

Jack: So, if the children see us in these.. suits, it might trigger their fears and Pitch will-- E-especially on a holiday! A-and this will deduct guardian points on me--!

Elsa: Hey, calm down. We'll make it quick!

Rapunzel: Wait, guardians have 'guardian points'..?

Elsa: And, we'll try to avoid any children at the mall. Sounds good to you?

Jack: Y-yes..


Hiccup: But, what if these suits weren't what the darer meant?

Rapunzel: *shrugs* Then, they can dare it again, I suppose?

Merida: AYE! More funny-looking halloween costumes to wear! *claps*

~ at ze front of ze mall ~

Jack: Okay, let's get this dare over with, okay? In and out.

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