Well Well Well (Ft. Mericcup)

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- I dare Merida to push Hiccup down a well.

~ • ~

Merida: *yells* Hey, Hiccup!

Hiccup: *walks in, holding a balogna sandwich*

Merida: Seriously, is that the only food we have in the kitchen?

Hiccup: Well, no. We have all the food in the world actually, but balony seemed like the perfect--

Merida: Aye aye-- Do ye wanna take a visit to Snow White's kingdom?

Hiccup: What for?

Merida: Stop asking. Fetch Toothless. Now.

Hiccup: *confused* Y-yes, Ma'am?

~ • ~

~ le at Snow White's (prince's) kingdom ~

Merida: Ye know Hic, I've always had an interest in wells! Why don't we take a look at that well over there?

Hiccup: Sure. What's with wells anyway? *walks to well*

Merida: They're.. mysterious, and I heard if you drop a dime in, and make a wish-- it'll come true!

Hiccup: Does it, now? *looks into the well*

Merida: *pushes Hiccup into the well*

Hiccup: *loses balance* Woah--! *falls in well* --Oof!

Merida: *holds in laughter* Ye okay down there?

Hiccup: *sighs* *stands up* Please, tell me why you did that.

Merida: *throws fanmail down to Hiccup*

Hiccup: *reads fanmail*

Hiccup: ...

Hiccup: Well, are you gonna help me out or--?

Merida: Sure, but I'm not really feelin' it today. *flies away with Toothless*


Snow White: *looks down at well* *sighs frustratingly* Alright, who fell in the well this time?

Hiccup: Uhm.. your prince..?

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