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As the sun began to set, the end of the shift began to roll round. An end to the most stressful shift of Bokuto's life, correction the most stressful day of Bokuto's life.

Thankfully the day was almost over and Kuroo and Kenma agreed to drive Bokuto home, they did suggest going to their home but didn't want to make Bokuto uncomfortable. They felt that despite the boundaries they had set However, taking Bokuto to their shared house could be seen as inconsiderate and overwhelming for him. The last thing they wanted was to cause Bokuto any further anxiety or worry.

However Bokuto knew that in either scenario he would be incredibly uncomfortable, for one his anxiety was currently through the roof and on top of that, he knew that his place was a complete and utter state. Having a sports injury accompanied with depression meant that the energy and mental capacity he requires to clean his apartment is usually lacking. He knew his cupboards were lacking, he had no running water and their was a 80% chance their cars may be stolen if they stayed too long. In his postcode area, you couldn't have nice things.

That was the moment Bokuto remembered what car Kuroo drove, a sleek, black, expensive car that was sure to be vandalised or stolen if it went within a mile radius of his apartment. It was almost inevitable that Kuroo and Kenma were too put together to even go near an area like that, nevermind drive to it. The idea of them stopping at Bokutos and parking their expensive car/cars outside his apartment complex haunted his subconscious. "We can't drive to mine." He spoke mildly dazed as he got his coat, he was working autopilot whilst Kuroo sorted the till.

At the new outburst, one that must have been the fourth or fifth outburst of the day, Kuroo paused looking up for a moment at his friend and coworker and now recently learnt soulmate. "Why not? I drove you there before..." At this Bokuto slowly shook his head, internally praying that he didn't offend Kuroo.

"Nah, I had you drop me off round the corner, I then walked through the snicket and to the complex... honestly if your car went any closer you'd lose your tires, maybe your spark plugs if you park it. Or just the full car in fairness." He gave a dry chuckle, "It ain't the best place but its all I got. Medical bills are so far up my ass its a joke. Honestly if I didn't have the bills I'd still be renting but at least it would be a different area, þhough suppose if I didn't have the bills it would mean I wasn't injured and I'd still be playing volleyball." He paused in thought, thinking how life has a stupid way of doing things. A stupid way of pushing you in the right direction and forcing things to fall in your favour eventually.

Eventually being the keyword.

Kenma looked between Bokuto and the window of the cafe. Just be overlooking the winter wonderland that was outside made him feel cold. The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow, the sky filled with whirling clouds and angry winds as the naked trees shook at the minus temperatures. "No offense Bokuto, but if we walk in that we are dying."  His tone was half joking half serious. Kenma had never been a creature of the cold, so there was no way he'd be walking for thirty minutes in his pyjamas and a hoodie.

"Look we can take my car, I can even park it a small walk from yours if needs be, but Kenma is right we can't walk in that weather." Kuroo motioned his head towards the window where Bokuto finally glanced at the murky sky. Although the atmosphere was gloomy, the white haired male couldn't help but admire its beauty, the flakes of snow twinkled under the street lights like artificial stars whilst the swirling sky provided the perfect canvas white background. It was almost calming to him, seeing things around him in doom and gloom almost normalised his own reality. It made him feel accepted, not even nature was always sunshine and rainbows - everything experiences storms.

"Bokuto, it will be ok, I promise." And although Bokuto was riddled with anxiety as if it were some unwanted blanket he couldn't shake. It smothered him, held him in all the wrong places and clung to his frame like slime, despite all that, Bokuto found himself completely believing Kuroo when he promised him it would all be ok.

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