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Bokuto's first night staying at the Kozume residence was the night Kuroo had endured his minor meltdown, it was unplanned, he was unprepared and his nerves were through the roof. Yet, overall the evening was a success, he ended up staying in their guest room, he was pleasantly surprised to see the room was painted a light grey and had a lot of plants inside it. It looked as if it was from a pinterest photo, an aesthetic bedroom with a double bed and a tapestry pinned on the back wall. The white windowsills seemed to accent the room, it was strange but the entirety of the house seemed to have a completely different feel for each room, he wondered if there was a reason or a story behind why that was. Bokuto remained thoroughly confused by the bizarre yellow bathroom he encountered last time.

The cushions smelt of Kenma's vanilla shampoo, the blanket on the bed smelt as if it had been drowned in Kuroo's cologne but everything in the room felt welcoming and warming to the touch. Despite the bed beckoning sleep to crash over Bokuto like a wave, it was as if the white haired male sat atop a pool float in the ocean, he bobbed over every wave of sleep the room tried to send his way. His eyelids refused to shut, his mind refused to silence and instead he was left staring at the ceiling that held glow in the dark stars stuck in the pattern of constellations.

If he was at his own apartment, perhaps this mood would have warranted a late night walk, though he worried if he left the Kozume residence in the middle of the night he would cause them worry - potentially trigger another meltdown for Kuroo - instead he settled for going downstairs. The large house felt foreign to him, he was used to walking a few steps at most to end up in another room, however the corridor alone felt neverending.

However, this would be a perfect opportunity to look around. No Ko that's stupid, you can't snoop in their nice, luxurious, ridiculously expensive house... The more Bokuto thought about it, the more his curiosity peaked. It wouldn't hurt just to peak his head around the rooms, he was sure they wouldn't mind. That and the blanket fort room seemed pretty welcoming to his tired mind - he just couldn't remember behind which door it resided.

It was with those thoughts in mind that Bokuto found himself carelessly opening doors to varying rooms. His feet lead him down the stairs, the carpet felt strange compared to how his hardwood floors felt. Whereas his apartment held an air of coldness the shared residency of his soulmates felt warming, even the carpets were warm against his bare feet. He was careful to silently pad through the house to the kitchen, he was a man on a mission, a mission to retrieve coffee.

Upon hearing a hearty meow from the kittens, Bokuto's heart ceased to beat for a second as he dropped to the floor like a sack of spuds. Fight or flight had kicked in and Bokuto chose possum. The second his body hit the floor the hallway light flicked on as two kittens came scampering over, a tired Kenma loomed in the doorway to the living room.

Prolonged eye contact ensued as Kenma looked down at Bokuto with raised brows, Bokuto stared back up at Kenma from where he remained laid on the floor from playing dead. It was the first time either of them had seen one another with their hair down, although it wasn't much it was almost amusing.

Kenma's hair down seemed to justify his nickname of pudding head, although his hair was just crazing his shoulders the dark brown roots looked like glazed caramel over vanilla. In his pyjamas he looked adorable, he had space invaders pyjama bottoms on that hung so long on him the hems grazed the floor around his feet, his t-shirt seemed to be an oversized shirt, perhaps it was once Kuroo's - the chemistry joke on it would suggest that was the case. The t-shirt had the elements Copper and Tellurium on it spelling out CuTe. Despite it's thrown together look it suited Kenma. His bedhead looked knotted and a little wild as the tangles of his bleached ends knotted in the back.

"You good?" Kenma croaked, his voice sounded hoarse from crying, yet he knew he had pulled himself together, or at least made himself as presentable as he had required himself to be. It is the early hours of the morning, he isn't expected to look put together at such an ungodly hour. His eyes lingered over Bokuto's figure that was truly sprawled on the floor, both kittens now claiming his bare chest as their new bed.

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