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"Kuroo is that Kenma entering the café?" After the events of the night before, both male barista's were sleep deprived, overly emotional and a bit ditsy so when Kenma walked into the café on his lunch break wearing a suit both Kuroo and Bokuto's jaws hit the floor. Kenma smiled as he held the door open ushering his companion into the warmth to escape the outside cold, although they were talking heartily Bokuto and Kuroo couldn't quite hear their bustling conversation over the other full tables.

Bokuto grumbled, wanting to eavesdrop, "Why does the café seem busier today?" He whined as he looked around at the unusually full tables as Kenma walked over ready to take a space in the queue. Kuroo was busy finishing someone else's drinks before popping them on the end of the counter and calling the respective names. "Why are you so happy about it?" Bokuto whined noticing the wide smile Kuroo had been wearing all morning, his need to socialise and be constantly busy was finally being fulfilled and he was over the moon about it. Although he had enjoyed his quiet days working peacefully alongside Bokuto, he enjoyed working and meeting new people too. The cafe finally bustling with customers was a welcomed surprise.

Kuroo turned to look across at Bokuto before he started to prepare the next drinks, "Kenma tweeted about it on his account." It was said so nonchalantly with a shrug that it was almost as if Kuroo had become accustomed to Kenma's fame and influence. "And I enjoy the busier atmosphere because it makes the place feel alive!" Kuroo smiled brightly across at Bokuto, for a moment the gleaming smile and the glint in his amber eyes caught Kotaro off guard as his stomach did backflips at the attractive male before him.

Thankfully, he managed to remain mostly professional as he turned back to continue serving customers. Three people later and finally the queue was diminishing and Kenma was stood before him. Bokuto had guessed he had been in the office this morning, after all he was wearing a white dress shirt, the collar looked pressed and if he had to guess the material it was at least Egyptian cotton - the shirt alone probably cost more than his flat. Then he saw the nice blazer that matched the skinny trousers and the dress shoes. Kenma had tied the look together with a smart skinny black tie then added his own flare to the look with a pacman belt. Bokuto admired the beauty before him, noticing eyeliner gently gracing his lashline and a a light blush on the others cheeks. "You got a meeting today?" He asked the other, it seemed dressy even for Kenma - especially after everything Kuroo had told him about the smaller male.

"I needed to discuss important business with my secretary and I have an appointment at four with my marketing team. I also think that I have an appointment before that - maybe around two? That should be with the game designers for our next partnered project. Very busy." He grinned as he saw how enthralled Bokuto was. The white haired male was hanging onto every word that fell from the others lips, watching in awe as Kenma spoke business as if he was sweet talking to him. "Can I get a black coffee and a caramel latte?" Kenma asked politely with a smile before handing Bokuto the money.

Bokuto only just noticed that today Kuroo was also wearing a smart shirt and trousers, almost identical to Kenma's minus the jacket and tie. Bokuto looked across in adoration as he saw the shirt tighten as Kuroo's muscles would flex and contract whilst he worked. Kuroo looked smarter than normal, his bedhead appeared more time although his hair kept it's fluffy appearance. It was combed back away from his face and part of it even clipped towards the back of his head, the majority of it being too short to actually tie up. "Why you looking so smart today?" Bokuto mumbled as he turned to help Kuroo make Kenma's drinks.

"Got this stupid dinner this evening with Kenma's colleagues." He rolled his eyes, "I was invited by one of the partnering companies so Kenma wouldn't let me ditch and I won't have time to change properly by the time we finish closing up." Kuroo groaned to himself as he threw his head back, clearly exasperated at the thought. "They're all going to be so boring."

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