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Kenma was worried, he was worried when he left his office with still no messages from Kuroo. His worry grew with every passing hour he sat at home, checking his phone to see the message still on 'delivered'. Mentally Kenma was picking apart his morning, trying to decipher Kuroo's actions. He was playing detective and he had never been good at crime solving games. Finally, he heard a car pulling down the driveway and parking in the garage, it had felt like the longest three hours of his life in the empty home.

The many mugs of tea he had made for the others were lined up along the coffee table. His plan was to have a mug of tea ready by 20:30 when Kuroo should have arrived home after closing up the coffee shop. Instead he ended up making another mug every fifteen minutes until the clock read 22:03. The most recent mug sat on the table amongst the mass of cups. To say he was stressed was an understatement. Seeing Kuroo in his old and worn hoodie brought back worries for Kenma, worries he thought he'd never need to think of again.

At last the door in the hallway opened, the footsteps of Kuroo stopped as shuffling was heard, alerting Kenma that he was hanging his coat up. Without hesitation the smaller male ran to the lounge door, he hovered there looking into the entrance hall staring straight at Kuroo. Overwhelmed with a wash of emotions that had taken him by storm he felt tears collect in his eyes and just like that his emotions went from zero to one-hundred.

"For fuck sake Tetsu I thought you died!" He yelled, the yelling suddenly alerted Kuroo to his boyfriend's presence, he turned from where he was currently facing the wall to meet Kenma's gaze. "I was two minutes away from calling the police, where the fuck have you been?" Despite his yelling, despite the rage lacing his tone he raced from the lounge door and over to the taller male encasing him in a bone crushing hug. "God don't scare me like that... FUCK!"

It took Tetsuro a moment to hug back, a minute to process the situation he was in as he slowly wrapped his arms around Kenma, allowing the pudding head to nuzzle into his chest as his jumper became damp with the others' tears. Bokuto made his way in from the garage and stood off to the corner, unsure how to make his presence known as he saw how rigid Kuroo seemed even in Kenma's arms.

Tanned hands found themselves entwining with Kenma's hair. "I'm sorry kitten." Kuroo mumbled softly as he felt his own tears collecting in the corner of his eyes. He didn't mean to worry the other, he truly didn't. He hated how panicked everyone was, if he was just competent than maybe he wouldn't feel so useless. Maybe then everyone around him would feel at ease.

"I was so worried... I thought..." Kenma was choking out words through his broken sobs, his muffled crying was only made worse by Kuroo holding him tighter into his chest. The taller males heart sank, he knew exactly why Kenma was worried. He was terrified history would repeat itself. "I thought I was going to find you again... I thought I'd find you like that." Kenma pulled away from his partner and wiped his eyes before he restlessly began to check and fuss over the male. His small cold hands tugged up the hoodie to check along the others skin, checking his abdomen and back as he forcefully manhandled Kuroo. He was determined to check history wasn't repeating itself.

"KenKen I didn't." Kuroo whispered out through tears but Kenma wasn't convinced. He relentlessly circled the other, almost frantic. It was as if he needed to find something, he had convinced himself so heavily that something would be wrong he didn't believe that things were ok. "KENMA STOP!" Kuroo yelled abruptly, his deep toned voice being raised cause both Kenma and Bokuto to look at him with caution. Despite the yell Kuroo didn't appear angry, just a little lost as tears fell freely over his face, patterning his skin with wet tracks. "I didn't do anything, I promise."

As a silence fell over the house, Bokuto awkwardly cleared his throat causing both Kuroo and Kenma's eyes to snap in his direction. "I didn't want him driving alone." Was the awkward reasoning that came out his mouth as his hands held onto his forearms nervously as if he was hugging himself. Seeing that Kuroo hadn't been alone allowed Kenma a mild sense of peace as he walked over to the snowy owl and encased him in a hug. The hug offered arguably more comfort to Kenma than it did Bokuto who was a little caught off guard. Strong arms wrapped around Kenma's smaller frame and held him tightly, a warm embrace that felt safe and secure helped calm his nerves.

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