asshole - l.h. (ii)

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The group felt the door slam shut, leaving a soft ringing in their ears. The table was silent once again, Luke ignoring the stares thrown his way and continued to eat as if nothing happened.

"I can't believe you said that," Michael spoke up for the group, making eye contact with Luke.

"She needs to learn how to get over herself,"

"No. You need to get over yourself, Luke. Y/N is a nice person and you're just being a jerk for no reason." Michael raised his voice, making everyone jump.

Everyone knew Michael was the one to avoid conflict. He was always the last to speak up and didn't like to raise his voice towards others. He always liked to solve problems with calm and collected words instead of harsh insults and arguments.

But of course, Michael was getting agitated by Luke's behavior and it had gotten tiresome to witness.

"Go apologize to her. I swear to God, I will never speak to you again for the rest of my life," He threatened.

Deep down, Luke knew how serious Mike could be, and he wasn't sure if him being stubborn was worth losing a friend over. He sighed deeply, standing up from the table, and walked out the door, leaving his friends behind.

He noticed how dark the sky got since they first arrived, the moon already lighting up the large oak trees that surrounded the cabin. He looked around and noticed how dark it was felt his heart drop in his chest.

"There is no way she's out here all alone," he mumbled to himself, trying to look past the trees. It was too dark for him to see anything, let alone anyone. Luke slowly walked down from the porch and fished out his cellphone from his pocket, turning on his flashlight.

He began a trek into the forest and saw the small man-made path that was formed in between the trees. He tried calling out her name, trying to hear for anything in return.

Sadly, the only thing he could hear was the wind causing the leaves to rustle and the crunchy sound of the leaves crushing underneath his boots.

Now Luke was feeling the guilt eating away at his heart. He was beginning to worry about Y/N and he silently prayed and hoped that she was okay. He walked for a couple more moments before he could spot a bright light in the distance. He walked until he saw the edge of the lake and the silhouette of someone sitting by the lake, holding a flashlight in their hands.

"Y/N?" He called out, waving the flashlight in his direction. He walked in the direction of the shadowy figure and flashed the bright light in their face, watching Y/N shield her eyes away from the bright light.

He noticed the flow of tears streaming down her face along with the black smudges of makeup underneath her eyes. He watched as she brought her knees to her chest and looked out to the lake, the clear night sky reflecting onto the still water.

"Luke, I really can't handle any more insults
right now," she pleaded, placing a hand on her forehead and began to massage her temple.

His mouth pressed together in a hard line; shoulders dropping instantly.

"I came to apologize, actually," he released the breath he was holding, slowly approaching her and sitting next to her. He noticed how tense her body became, as if she was uncomfortable with the close proximity. He shifted over slightly and watched as her relaxed slightly.

"I'm sorry." He said quickly, not making eye contact with her. He noticed as she didn't even blink, staring ahead as if he didn't utter a single word.

"Hello?" He waved a hand in her face, letting a dry chuckle escape his lips.

"I'm trying to apologize to you," he said slowly, making her scoff.

"You don't mean it."

He let out a deep sigh, looking out towards the lake once again. They sat in silence once more, Luke playing with the multiple rings on his fingers.

"I do mean it," he sighed, ruffling a hand through his head. "Everyone's right. I've been treating you terribly for no reason and I'm sorry," he finally apologized.

Y/N stayed silent, swallowing slowly. She could feel him staring at the side of her head once again, almost as if he was asking for forgiveness.

"Why?" She finally looked up at him. Through the moonlight, she could tell he had a guilty expression on his face. His eyes shiny underneath the moonlight.

"I just got so angry when I saw how quickly you became friends with everyone. You were so likeable and it angered me how people would love having you around."

"I just thought soon enough, the group would realize how much they didn't need me. And soon enough, you would replace me," he confessed slowly.

She realized that he was actually being serious, slowly scooting closer towards him.

"I could never replace you. Your friends love you. All I wanted was to become your friend, but you kept shutting me out," she whispered, pulling her legs close towards her body. Her forehead creased gently and he watched as her lips formed a hard line.

"Is it okay if we could start over? Friends?" Luke offered, standing up from his spot on the ground and held out his hand to you. You stared for a moment and made your decision.

You grabbed his hand and he helped you up, watching as you dusted off your clothes.


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