bad timing - t.h.

534 11 0

*nsfw content ahead*

The whole night the pair were out, Tom couldn't stop staring at his girlfriend, Y/N.

He couldn't help it. She wore the most adorable spring dress and her hair was styled to perfection.

Every Sunday, Y/N went with Tom to his family's trivia night. The first time Y/N attended a Holland trivia night, she felt super nervous, considering she had never been introduced to his parents before.

She instantly warmed up to them and has now started counting the days until the next trivia night.

When they started playing, Tom couldn't take his eyes off of her. The way she smiled brightly whenever she got a question right, or the nose scrunch she did whenever she was thinking hard.

Tom couldn't wait for the night to be over, just so he could whisk her back to the comfort of his bedroom and love on her all night long.

"That was fun. Should we do another round?" Nikki asked, looking at the family for their suggestions.

Tom was quick to stand up, pretending to yawn for a bit.

"I would, but I'm pretty tired," he said, sleepily. His mother nodded while Sam and Harry gave his brother knowing looks. They snickered to themselves as Tom helped his girlfriend into her winter coat.

After the bid for goodbye, the couple left. Fortunately, Y/N and Tom didn't live too far from Tom's family home. It's just a good ten-minute walk away. The pair walked hand in hand, Y/N giggling as Tom would pull her close ever so often, pressing kisses to her cheeks and neck.

"Geez. What's going on with you today?" She laughed, playfully shrugging off her boyfriend's affection.

"You're just really pretty, and I love you." He smiled, squeezing her hand.

"I love you too," She beamed, snuggling into his side, just as they approached their apartment. They were quick to enter in order to escape from the cold weather. Once they were inside, Y/N shrugged off her coat and hung it on the rack, yawning slightly.

She waltzed over to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge before drinking it. She felt a presence behind her and came face to-face with time. Y/N smirked and let him lean in to place a passionate kiss on his lips.

"Let's move this into the bedroom," he whispered against his lips, making Y/N giggle. She pulled back, and Tom was quick to haul her up to him, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.

Tom walked the two of them to the bedroom, hastily closing the door behind them. He gently laid her down on the comforter. She moaned when he pressed his body against hers, and he pressed his erection against her thigh. He leaned down to kiss her again, ensuring that he reminded her that she would never be kissed with the same amount of passion by anyone else.

He reached behind her and unzipped her dress, following its path down her hips and back up to her face once more. He held her face in his hands. "You are beautiful, Y/N." he said, picking her up so that she was fully out of her dress. "So so beautiful."

He made quick work of discarding his own clothing on the floor next to hers. He climbed onto the bed with her, kissing his way from her lips down to her breasts. He planted a few light kisses on each breast before prompting her to raise her torso from the bed so that he could remove the lingerie. She looked phenomenal in the lacy white bra, but she looked even better without it.

Once she was freed from her confines, he began kneading her breasts. He alternated between his fingers and his lips, ravishing her and showing her that she was worth far more than any other girl in the world.

"Oh, Tom," she moaned when he sucked her nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue. He smiled against her skin; victory was his. It was always his. She was always his.

He could tell that she was growing more and more impatient, so he slid his hand down between her legs, offering some relief. She arched her back at the sensation of him slowly manipulating her over the wet fabric of her underwear.

"Take them off," she whimpered. He laughed.

"Soon, my love."

He continued his merciless teasing until he finally slipped a hand under her panties. He growled when he could truly feel how wet she was for him.

"You are mine." He reminded her and she nodded. He continued circling his fingers in between her legs, teasing her until he was sure that she was going to snap at him and tell him that she needed him there.

"God, yes, that feels incredible. More." She demanded

He decided that she'd had enough teasing, so he obliged. He hooked his thumbs on either side of her panties and slid them over her smooth legs.

"Spread your legs wide open." He commanded, and she listened.

He moved further down the bed and dipped his head in between her legs. He hovered for a moment, but it wasn't long until she pushed his head to make contact with her there. So he did. He licked, sucked, fingered, and swirled, bringing her to the brink of an orgasm and then changing methods to prolong the process, knowing that her orgasm would be earth-shattering later.

"You're fucking amazing." She moaned. She was ready for him.

Tom's member was aching and he couldn't take it any longer himself, so he pulled her legs around him. He sighed when he felt her body stretching to accommodate his size. It was a sensation that he'd never, ever get tired of. He allowed himself to stay inside of her for a moment without moving, enjoying the warmth before rocking his hips back and forth to create a slow, agonizing pace.

Y/N pulled him down for a kiss. She could barely contain herself when she tasted herself on his tongue. She cried out his name, and he picked up the pace. The two continued, the room filling up with the sound of their moans.

Y/N's stomach begins to clench, feeling her orgasm begin to boil. Tom ran a hand through his hair, pulling his sweaty curls back from his forehead. He huffed and soon felt the tightness in his stomach again, knowing he was soon going to finish soon.

After a couple of more minutes, Tom let out a breathy moan, gripping his girlfriend's hips harshly as he finished, with her soon following soon after. Y/N laughed and collapsed on the bed, tired from exhaustion. Tom collapsed beside her, sweat glistening across his chest.

The two of them stared at the ceiling, Tom looking over to see Y/N deep in thought. He could practically see the gears shifting in her head.

"What are you thinking about, love?" He whispered, her head turning to look at him. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders, her expression serious for a moment.

"Would you ever want to, like, get married and have kids someday?" She whispered, staring into her boyfriend's eyes. Tom released a breath, a slow smile growing on his face.

"Well, this is awkward," he laughed, propping himself up with his elbows. Y/N did the same and looked at him with a confused look on her face. She watched as he reached towards his nightstand drawer, pulled out a small velvet box, and looked back at his girlfriend. He opened up the box and held it towards Y/N, the shiny ring on display.

"I swear you have a sixth sense or something," he joked, taking in her teary-eyed look as she stared at the ring.

"This is probably a bad time because we're naked and sweaty, but marry me?" He smiled, holding the ring closer to her. She smiled and giggled, leaning close and smashing her lips on Tom's, kissing him feverishly.


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