shaved - k.h.

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Now, there were a lot of things that Y/N loved about Kai. He had a wonderful smile, a caring personality, a great sense of humor, as well as an amazing job. Y/N loved supporting him.

But her all-time favorite thing about her German boyfriend was his beautiful, beautiful hair. She could never stop herself from running her fingers through her boyfriend's unruly mop of dark curls. It always seemed like her fingers were curled up in his hair.

Every time she was reading a new chapter in her book, Kai would be curled in his girlfriend's lap, practically half asleep as the girl absentmindedly played with his hair, slowly luring him to sleep.

So one day, Y/N was waiting for her boyfriend to return home from training. He was taking a little longer than usual, and Y/N was starting to get worried. The minute she decided to call his phone, she heard the door open, signaling that Kai was finally home.

She sprang up from the couch, accidentally startling Baloo as she raced to the door to meet her boyfriend.

She had a bright smile on her face as she watched him walk in. And the minute the door closed, her face dropped, vacant of all emotion from when she saw his trim.

All of his curls were gone, practically destroyed. His hair was now straight and short, just like Mason's; a hairstyle that Y/N didn't particularly like.

"Hi baby," Kai greeted, placing a kiss on the side of her face, and the girl watched as the soccer player crouched down, greeting Baloo with a couple of scratches on his underside.

"Kai, have you lost your damn mind?" Y/N spoke, making him turn around and look at her. He laughed and stood up, clearly towering over her with his tremendous height.

"No?" He chuckled, unsure of what she meant.

"What did you do to your hair?" She gasped, her hand going up to run her hand across his flat hair. She frowned and brought her hand down.

"What? You don't like it?" He teased, his hand going up to run his hand through his hair, copying Y/N's actions.

"No. You look like Mason now," she pouted, folding her arms across her chest.

"I liked how it looked on Mason, so I got it on me," he shrugged.

"What? You don't like it?" He spoke, a small frown on his face.

Now she couldn't do her favorite thing, which was tug on his hair during sex.

"No. How am I supposed to tug on your hair? " She complained, Y/N shrugging her shoulders. He blew her off and walked towards the kitchen, Y/N following close behind.

"You can still grab it!"

"It's not the same," she groaned. Kai rolled his eyes at her childish behavior.

"It'll grow back," he reasoned with her, placing his hands on her hips. He smiled and leaned into her, placing a soft kiss on her lips. A part of him knew that Y/N wasn't 100% serious. He figured that his short hair was just something that she'd have to get used to.

"It better, Havertz."

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