media day - m.m.

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Media day at Chelsea was always Mason's favorite day for the start of a new season. Over the years, the day has become a great bonding experience for the team.

Dressing up in the brand new kits and posing for various pictures for the entire day was something Mason enjoyed doing. While waiting to take his pictures, he stood beside his best mate, Ben Chilwell.

The two were joking around until Mason saw a girl from his peripheral. He turned his head and looked in her direction, noticing as she placed a series of jerseys, socks, and boots lined up on a row of chairs.

Mason had never seen her before. She must have been an assistant of some sort. He did take an interest in her, though. Ben noticed how his teammate dropped out of their current conversation.

He followed Mason's eyes until Ben's landed on the girl. He smirked in realization and subtly elbowed Mason, making the midfielder turn to look at Ben.

"Someone caught your eye, mate?" Ben chuckled. Mason shook his head and shoved off Ben, who was clearly amused by the whole interaction.

"I don't blame you; she's cute, don't you think?"

"Who?" By now, Mason and Ben's other teammate, Christian Pulisic, walked up on the boys and joined in the conversation. Christian was looking at her in confusion while Mason pointed his head towards the attractive girl.

"The girl laying down the jerseys on the chair?" He questioned Ben and Mason, nodding and watching her slowly. She stood up from her hunched position and slowly wrapped her hair into a ponytail.

"Oh. That's Y/N. She's nice," Pulisic nodded. Ben and Mason are looking at Chris in confusion.

"You know her?"

"She works here. She's the first person I met when I moved here. She's my closest friend in London. Go talk to her."

And with that, the American was gone, leaving the two Chelsea players in shock. Mason nodded his head and swallowed down the nerves he was feeling. He wasn't scared to talk to her; he'd talked to plenty of girls before. He was a self-proclaimed 'pro'.

He patted Chilly on the shoulder in farewell and strutted towards the girl. His walk was confident. He walked with his chest poked up in the air, his oh-so-famous smile on display. Sadly, she didn't notice. She didn't notice as Mason stood next to her. She continued to fold the kits and place them on the chair.

The soccer player cleared his throat, finally making her glance up at him. She offered him a faint smile, her mind racing as she tried to figure out what the Mason Mount could possibly want.Of course, she knew who he was. So many girls would share stories of flirty encounters with the soccer player, and Y/N was all but impressed.

She didn't want to seem rude, so all she offered him was a smile.

"Hey," he said simply, a full smile on display. His eccentric attitude kind of freaked the girl out for a second, but she didn't let it show on her face.

"Hi?" She spoke softly, her voice laced with confusion. She held the pile of jerseys she had yet to fold close to her chest, wondering what Mason wanted. As a sports equipment manager, it was her job to make sure all the kits were perfect at all times. No stains, frayed thread strings, or creased lines.

Mason rocked back and forth on the balls of his cleats, not really sure what to say next. His brain didn't get a second to formulate his plan before his body started moving in the girl's direction.

"I'm Mason," he stuttered, pointing a finger at himself. Y/N nodded, placing the pile of jerseys down on the chair in front of her, sighing deeply.

"I know."

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