heartbreak girl - l.h

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"You can wear my hoodie if you want?" Luke offered, holding the large, oversized sweater to a tear-stricken Y/N. She sniffled, wiping the tears off her face with the palm of her hand. The mascara stains smeared across her face, making her feel more depressed by the minute.

Luke observed her softly, not knowing the best way to support his best friend. In all the years that Luke Hemmings has known Y/N L/N, he has never seen the girl heartbroken. Sure, he's seen her cry, but not like this. Usually, she would be doubled over in laughter. Or a couple of tears would stray after a sad scene in a movie.

"Are you sure?" She whispered, staring at the baby blue sweater that Luke habitually wore. She adored that hoodie. She would manage to steal it every time she slept over at his place and cursed him whenever he managed to steal it back.

She eyed the piece of fabric balled up in his face and looked up at her best friend. He nodded slowly, and she let a small smile slip past her lips, grasping the hoodie from his hand and slipping it over her body.

"Thank you."

She didn't know what else to say. Her heart was bearing all sorts of emotions. Y/N spent the last hour curled up in Luke's arms, uncontrollably sobbing. She felt as if the world had come crashing down on her. It wasn't easy to find out that your boyfriend of three years had been cheating on you behind your back for a year and a half.

Now, this was an excellent excuse for Luke to hate the guy. Ever since he found out the two of them had gotten together, a hatred immediately developed. He never liked Y/N's boyfriend, and he was internally glad that the couple finally broke up. But, it devastated him to see her in so much pain.

Luke knew how much Y/N cared for everyone. She always had the kindest heart. He hated seeing people come into her life and stomp on her precious heart, before utilizing it for their advantage. There was nothing that he could do. His only job was to be a supportive best friend to Y/N and watch from the sidelines with jealous stares.

The two of them ended up in the middle of the grassy field that was familiar to them. Whenever the two of them felt like escaping the chaos of the world, they came to distract themselves from everyone. Looking towards the horizon, he watched as the sunset lit up the grassy field. He breathed deeply and looked back at the girl sitting next to him, noticing the tears continuing to stream down her face.

"He's not worth the tears, Y/N." He spoke, placing his hand over hers. Y/N nodded her head and interlaced her fingers with his, enjoying comfort in Luke's warm embrace. He always knew what to say to make her feel better.

Luke always harboured feelings for the girl in his arms. Ever since the two of them were small, silly children, running around and having the time of their lives, as they grew older, so did Luke's feelings. He watched for years from the sidelines, seeing boys come and go, seizing a piece of Y/N's heart with them.

It pained him how easily she would allow people take advantage of the girl.

This time, he was tired of seeing her give away another piece of her heart to someone as useless as her ex-boyfriend.

"I think it's time for me to take you home," Luke whispered, placing a chaste kiss on his best friend's forehead. Y/N didn't utter a word. She merely nodded. She gradually climbed out of Luke's hold, propelling herself up into a upright position.

Luke followed and dusted off the trousers he was wearing. The sky was beginning to grow dark. The last rays of the sun barely peeked over the hills that were visible far in the distance. The two walked back towards Luke's car, neither of them feeling the need to speak. Just as Luke climbed into the driver's seat, with Y/N following him, she decided to speak up.

"Thank you, Luke. For always being there for me," She whispered, her throat feeling raw due to all of the crying. She looked down at her lap, smiling softly when Luke's hand reached out to hers, clinging to them comfortably. She looked up into his baby blue eyes, smiling gently.

"You know, you don't have to thank me. I'll always be here for you," he spoke, his fingers rubbing softly against her hand. She nodded and felt her heart skip a couple of beats. She felt butterflies in her stomach, and she grew confused with herself.

While Luke drove her back to her apartment, she thought about her relationship with the musician sitting next to her. For all the years she had known Luke. She always saw him as her best friend. She loved him, but for the first time, maybe her definition of love had changed. Luke was always there for her. He always seemed to be the one to pick up the broken pieces, and she was grateful for that.

Maybe the girl was wrong. Maybe she was too blinded by other people to notice her true soulmate in front of her the whole time. She glanced over at Luke and watched as his eyes were focused on the road. He turned his head and gave her a puzzled look. Y/N simply turned away and faced the window, confused about her newfound feelings for Luke Hemmings.

It didn't take long for them to reach her place. Luke switched off the ignition and shoved the keys back into his pocket. He glanced over at the girl and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Do you mind if I crash here for the night?" He asked, already knowing her answer. Y/N nodded and the two of them climbed out of the car and walked up the stairs towards the girl's apartment. Y/N's home was practically as much as Luke's as it was hers. She watched as he lazily kicked off his boots into the corner, placing his keys on the table. Y/N walked towards her bedroom and quickly changed into comfortable clothes and slipped Luke's baby blue hoodie back over her head.

Y/N heard an object clatter against the floor, making her jump. She glanced down at the floor and noticed Luke's phone at her feet.

"What the hell?" She mumbled to herself and picked up the phone, skimming it over for any damage. Luke must've had his phone in the pocket of his hoodie before he gave it to Y/N. Just as she was about to call his name, the phone unlocked. Y/N came face to face with Luke's music library, and her eye instantly caught the playlist that Luke was listening to.

'Songs about Y/N: my heartbreak girl'

Her expression read immense confusion. She scrolled through the extensive playlist, identifying the list of love songs. She barely recognized a couple of them, songs that she mentioned to Luke a couple of times. She clicked on the first song of the playlist, a song that she hadn't recognized.

A melodic guitar riff filled her ears, and she could feel tears welling up in her eyes once more.

"Roll me up and smoke me like, I'm the last blackwood you'll have in your life,"

"And you know I hate to give you such a hard time. But you know I hate when people look at what's mine."

She gasped softly as the lyrics filled her ears. She looked up to see if Luke was coming towards her room, before hastily walking towards her bathroom. She closed the door and leaned against the basin, scrolling through the playlist.

The playlist seemed to continue forever. The extensive list of love songs made her heart beat faster. Did Luke have romantic feelings for her?

Even the name of the playlist hinted towards this. Along with being best friends with Luke, Y/n was familiar with all the music produced by the band Luke was in. Heartbreak Girl was one of her favorite songs.

She knew the song was about someone who was hopelessly in love with their best friend, who was heartbroken over someone else. Is that how Luke saw Y/N? As someone who could be with someone better, someone like Luke?

She heard a knock on the door, causing her to jump. She held her chest in startlement and turned off Luke's phone, placing it back in the pocket of his hoodie that she was wearing. She opened the door, seeing Luke staring back at her.

"Um, I wanted to check up on you, it sounded quiet in here," he spoke. Y/N nodded slowly, swallowing the knot in her throat. She opened the door wider and stepped into her bedroom, Luke taking a couple of steps back.

"Have you seen my phone by any chance? I haven't been able to find it," he asked. Y/N's heart was beginning to race. She nodded and slipped the device out of her pocket, holding the phone out towards him. He thanked her graciously and slipped the device back into his pocket.


"Hm," he hummed, looking at the girl. He glanced at his phone and noticed the private playlist that projected itself on the screen. His eyes widened in realization, and he looked at Y/N, giving her a nervous glance.

She looked at him slowly; she twisted the rings on her finger out of nervousness, daring not to break eye contact with the musician.
"Why do you have a playlist about me?" She asked slowly, waiting patiently for a response. She watched as he tensed up, shaking his head vigorously, unsure of his answer. It dawned on him, the only way he'd be able to get out of this situation was by being honest.

He released a shaky breath, feeling the bundle of nerves swirl in his stomach.

"I made the playlist about you. Songs that remind me of you," He said cautiously, unsure of how she was going to react. A smile appeared on her lips, making Luke relax significantly. She tilted her head to the side and looked at him with a glance.

"Is that all, you just made the playlist?" She asked, wondering if he would admit any feelings he had. She had a feeling that Luke knew what she was implying. And correctly, he understood what she meant.

"Well, no?"


He paused, staring at his best friend.

"I might never get another chance to say this, but I have feelings for you Y/N. I know we are best friends, but I couldn't help myself from growing infatuated with you," he confessed, grabbing onto her hands, scared she'd pull away.

Y/N's breath hitched, glancing down at their intertwined hands. She could visibly see how nervous he was, his hands trembling slightly. She squeezed his hands in comfort and looked up at him with a smile. Maybe she needed to give Luke a chance. In the craziness of her life, he was the one constant factor always by her side.

She pulled the boy into a hug and released a deep breath, squeezing him tightly. She whispered against his neck, "I'm willing to give this a shot if you will?"

He nodded quickly, pulling away from his best friend, placing a affectionate kiss on her forehead. The two clung to each other softly and for once Y/N would see the truth. She was done being his heartbreak girl. 

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