snap a picture - m.m. (ii)

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Previously on snap a picture...

"I thought we could hang out. I don't know, grab something to eat or something."


"Why not?" He countered. He took a step towards the door and opened it wide, leaning against the door frame. He motioned his head out the door, giving her his famous smirk.

"Come on. Bring your camera too."


"Wait, let me get a picture of you there," Y/N giggled, pointing to the bench for Mason to sit on. He laughed and walked over to the side, giving her a pose as she snapped some pictures, testing the new features on her camera.

Y/N blushed as he crossed one leg over the other, resting his hands on his tights before giving her a dopey smile. She laughed and snapped a few shots. The only things Mason could hear were the sounds of her giggles and the camera shutters.

When she was done, she pulled the camera down and examined the pictures. Mason stood up and approached her, wanting to see the photo results. Y/N didn't even notice when Mason slowly made his way behind her, standing close with his body close behind hers.

"Those look great!" He smiled, a breathy laugh leaving his lips. She angled her head around, looking at him. Their faces were close together. Mason's eyes fluttered down to her lips and contemplated whether he wanted to connect her lips with his.

He cleared his throat nervously, and Y/N stepped away, turning her camera off. Mason watched as she placed her camera in the bag, making sure her equipment was nice and secure.

The two of them had been out for hours now, the sky turning a darkish blue. It was only a matter of time until they had to return home. Tomorrow, the whole team will be flying out to Abu Dhabi for the Club World Cup semi-finals. Y/N missed so much while she was out getting better, but she was glad that she was included on the trip, ready to get back into the action.

Mason walked her back to her apartment, just to make sure he got in safely. He always enjoyed talking with her. Y/N seemed to be filled with facts all the time, informing Mason on anything and everything.He loved the sound of her voice, and all the times she'd get excited over sharing her interests with him.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the airport." Mason asked once the two of them reached Y/N's apartment. She nodded and slowly unlocked the door with her key, pushing it open into her home.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Mase," she smiled, bidding him farewell. His heart swelled at the nickname and he said goodbye, leaving Y/N to herself for the rest of the night.


The next morning, Mason woke up feeling energized and ready to win another trophy and talk to his favorite girl. He was quick to make sure all his bags were packed, before meeting the team at the airport.

Once he arrived, the first thing he did was look for the photographer. He scanned through all the Chelsea staff, hoping to spot her. He frowned when he couldn't find her and mentally cursed himself for getting his hopes up.

Soon, he felt a light tap on his shoulder, and he spun around quickly, coming face to face with Y/N L/N.

"Hey!" He released a breath, pulling her into a hug. Y/N hugged him back and laughed as he spun her around, hugging her as if he hadn't seen her in a million years.

"Hi!" She giggled as he set her down on her feet. She straightened out the Chelsea uniform she was wearing. He stood next to her and the two made conversation, while the team was getting ready to board the private plane.

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