corn maze - t.h.

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Hello! This was another Tom request! If there is anything you would like to see me write, let me know! Hope you enjoy!

Request: Can you write about Y/N getting scared by Tom in a corn maze and Y/N lashes out and hits Tom, quickly followed by apologizes.


"Can we go to a haunted maze?" Tom suggested it one morning while glancing at websites on his laptop. You looked away from the television screen and looked at him in confusion. "Why?" you spoke hastily, pausing the movie you were currently watching.

"We've never done it before," he shrugged, moving his laptop to show you what he was observing. Tom was about to buy tickets for a haunted maze, not too far away from his place. You glanced over to the pictures of the cornfield and looked up at him unimpressed.

"Why do we have to go to a haunted maze?" You mumbled, not really feeling like attending a haunted maze. You did not handle scary situations well, no matter how much you despise admitting it. It was especially terrible when Tom felt the need to startle you every waking minute.

"It's not even October. It's September 20th."
He responded by moving his mouse over the "purchase" button. "It'll be fun," he said, with a shrug of his shoulders.

You watched as he blinked quickly and clicked the button, not even a second later.

You sighed out loud and silently thought about what was about to go down. You despised the idea of attending a haunted maze. You never really understand why people would pay to purposefully get scared.

Later that night, Tom was the first one ready to go. Once you finished changing into something a little warmer, the two of you made the drive over to the haunted corn maze. On the ride over, you found it hard to settle the nerves that you were feeling. One benefit that you thought of that made you feel moderately better was that Tom was going to be beside you the whole time.

Once you arrived, the two of you parked the car and made your way towards the entrance. After presenting your tickets, Tom ushered you in. You could feel the giddiness and excitement radiating off of him. Before the two of you walked into the corn maze, you took up residence by his side, your hand wrapped around his bicep tightly.

You and Tom began your walk slowly, venturing deeper and deeper into the labyrinth. Every once in a while, an employee would pop out of the corn, scaring the both of you while dressed head to toe in a frightening costume.

It was the same pattern. You would shriek and grip Tom's bicep harder, while your boyfriend would jump startled. He'd laugh it off, and the two of you would continue your walk while you tried to keep your heart rate under control.

At one point, you let go of Tom's arm, and it slipped out of your grip. You continued to walk until you didn't hear the footsteps of your boyfriend beside you. You turned to only discover the space where your boyfriend should have been. You paused and frantically looked around, looking for Tom.


You turned around, only discovering the path behind you, not a person in your sight. You felt your heart drop into your chest. Your hands grew clammy as you quickly withdrew your phone, pulling up Tom's contact.

Regrettably, you noticed the lack of connection and mentally cursed your phone when you saw zero bars at the top of the screen. You shoved your phone back into your pocket and turned around, slowly walking back the way you came while trying to see if you could spot Tom tying his shoe or something.

You heard the hay crunching in the distance and your breath hitched.

"Tom! Where are you? " You yelled again, the sound of slight fear and panic creeping into your voice. Tears of fear began to obscure your vision, and your throat felt so dry.

Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and screamed, turning around as your hand slapped the stranger across the face. Your vision quickly cleared and you noticed your boyfriend was crouched over with his hand over his face. You let out a huge breath of relief, bending over and placing your hands on your knees.

"Jesus Y/N, are you trying to knock me out?" He laughed sarcastically, rubbing his cheek to alleviate the pain. You rolled your eyes and stood back up, looking back at him with your arms crossed, hating the cold breeze that randomly picked up.

"Tom, don't scare me like that, you idiot! Maybe I should've knocked you out," you yelled. You watched as he continued to laugh and laugh, doubling over while gripping his abdomen in humor. You reached out and hit him again in his arm, watching as he grinned childishly.

You groaned in anger and sped past him, continuing to make your way down the pathway. You heard him lightly jogging to catch up with you, and he was starting to breathe heavily from all the laughter. He chuckled and nudged you in the side with his elbow, trying to get your attention again.

"Are you seriously mad?" he chuckled, shoving his hands in his pocket. You frowned and jerked your head away from him in annoyance.

"I thought you were going to leave me," you pouted, trying to regulate your breathing. Tom was always the one to perform jumpscares, leaving you nothing but angry and practically traumatized.

"I could never leave you! I love you too much," he laughed, grabbing your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder from behind.

You rolled your eyes and separated yourself from his hold, looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm getting out of there," you announced, making a beeline for the exit once you saw it.

Thankfully, there were no other jumpscares that you had to deal with. You quickly exited the maze, maneuvering your way around a crowd of people and gaining a seat at an empty picnic table.

"That was fun," Tom said, once he arrived at your side, noticing how quickly you rolled your eyes in response. He chuckled at your behavior and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close, knowing that you couldn't stay mad at him forever.

Snuggling closer to him to try to get warm, you mumbled, "For you, it was."

"Maybe next time, we can go to the zoo and spend some time with spiders," you whispered in his ear, making Tom instantly freeze up. If there was one thing Tom didn't like, it was spiders. And after your haunted corn maze excursion, maybe a trip to the zoo was the exact payback he needed.

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