love island - b.c.

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"You look cute in that sweater," Ben spoke sarcastically. His eyes were pulled away from his television when he saw his girlfriend walk into the movie room.

Y/N sighed and walked over to him, leaning on the back of the couch as she played with his hair from behind.

"Yeah? Well, it's not mine," She laughed, knowing that it was Ben's sweater. He hummed slightly as he looked up at her, her hands going to cup his cheeks, her frowning at him.

"You cold?" He whispered, noticing his sweater she was wearing. It was the middle of summer, so he did find it weird that his girlfriend was bundled up.

"A little," She shrugged, getting a chill down her spine every once in a while.

"Here, take my blanket," he mumbled, whipping the soft fabric off his body and stretching his hand behind the couch, handing it over to Y/N.

The girl wrapped it around herself, her precious body warmth instantly warming him up. She smiled and leaned into him, pressing a kiss on his head.

"You watch this rubbish too much, Benji," She whispered, her eyes glancing up at the TV to see that he was watching 'Love Island UK' once again. It had to be his favorite show. He'd watch it all the time and talk about it all the time with his mates.

"Love Island is not rubbish. You're rubbish." He mumbled, bending down to reach the coffee table and grab his beer, taking a sip quickly.

"It just seems so stupid," she hummed, watching the show as two of the islanders were practically dry-humping each other.

"Is this what you're doing? Trying to make me hate you?" Ben laughed, Y/N shrugged her shoulders innocently, leaning close to him.

She wrapped her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his chest. His eyes were trained on the screen in front of him, continuing to watch his favorite show as Y/N kept her arms wrapped around his neck.

Over a couple of minutes, she found her eyes becoming glued to the screen. And before she knew it, she was sucked into the episode, just like Ben. The only thing is that she didn't understand it as much as Ben, since he'd already been watching the series a lot longer.

"Wait, who's all together?" Y/N asked, looking at Ben. He gave the girl a sly grin, just before tapping the spot next to him. Y/N listened and made her way around the couch, sitting down next to him, and he sighed dramatically, pulling his girlfriend into him.

"Okay. "Are you ready, because it's about to get confusing," Ben joked as he paused the television.

Ben took the time to explain everything to her. All the pairings up, the couples throughout the season, all the drama. Y/N listened intently as he spoke, a grin spreading across his face as she saw how excited Ben was just talking about the show.

Soon enough, when she was caught up, Ben resumed the show as the two continued to watch. Y/N and Ben would aimlessly munch on the large crisps bag between them, their eyes glued to the screen.

After a while, the time blended and they were half way through the episode.

"Oh my god," Y/N whispered, her eyes widening at the screen. Ben cranked his neck, looking down at his girlfriend, who was resting on top of his chest.


"His eyes are like the bluest blue to ever freaking blue," she gasped, staring at Charlie's eyes. Ben rolled his eyes and ignored her, continuing to watch the episode.

"Wait, so she broke up with him?" Ben stifled a laugh in response to Y/N's disgust. He reached down and grabbed the remote, pausing the screen quickly.

"That's it," he huffed, clicking the back screen. Y/N watched in confusion as Ben scrolled through the shows and movies before looking to find Love Island Season 1.


"We're starting over," Ben informed her, clicking on the very first episode.

"Why?" she asked.

"I'm starting from season one, and we're going to watch it together."

"Ben!" She giggled, trying to reach for the remote.

"I'm serious. You're clearly interested," He spoke, "It's been 20 minutes and you've asked me like thirty questions."

She groaned and gave up, letting him select the first episode to start with. A part of her was excited, though. She was ready to see what exactly made this show so perfect in Ben's eyes.

"Fine, but go get more crisps though," she compromised, holding the bag of empty crisps that the two snacked on the whole time they were seated.

"Okay, but wait till I get back," he smiled, pointing a teasing finger at her.

"Fine. I promise."

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