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Hania couldn't resist the urge to see him, anymore. She was perplexed that after knowing the reality too he didn't back out. Although things were on her side but still she has to know what is going inside his head.

She knew if she will go downstairs like this it will be embarrassing but she pushed aside all such thoughts. With slow steps she marched towards the stairs and stopped when she saw her sister coning.
" Thank God Hani baji you are here I was coming to you. Mom have said to bring you down. "Mirha ( hania's sister ) said it in one go.

They both went downstairs. Hania felt a rush in her heartbeat. Finally after a long time she will get to see Ayaan and that too after telling him her biggest secret. Things might take an unexpected turn but she has to face them.

What Hania saw shocked her beyond words. The one for whom her heart was wondering wasn't present there. Ayaan was nowhere in sight. She felt her heart sinking at that moment.
Situation has become more complicated than her thinking.

Ayaan was her hope and now what , she crushed that hope.

Feriha noticed the despair on hania's face and said " Hania dear I know you are disheartened to see that Ayaan is not here. Ayaan and his family left soon after the nikkah being completed. You know Ayaan's paternal grandfather got hospitalized yesterday and is in a critical condition. Usman Sahab thought it was not wise to postpone the nikkah as it will bring embarrassment for both the families. But Samra assured me they will surely fulfill the engagement ceremony after things get normal." feriha said in a soft tone.

Hania nodded and passed a sad smile in her mother's direction.

" Hanu beta ( child ) don't worry what if Ayaan is not here. We can still fulfill some of the rituals. The ritual of feeding bride with sweets." Her aunt said to lighten the mood.

Hania sat on the beautifully decorated swing which was originally meant for bride and groom.

Hania didn't realize when that feeding ritual finished. Saira came to sit near her.

" Hanu I wasn't expecting you to be this disappointed not seeing Ayaan. " Saira said with curiosity evident in her voice.

" I was expecting to have a proper conversation with him after the nikkah. I don't know what he thinks of me. Is he disappointed or like me he is also least interested in this marriage" Hania shared her thoughts with Saira.

" I guess Ayaan himself can answer your concerns. Does he knows about your past? "

" Actually Saira I told him. But rather than telling him this face to face I just texted. And after that he didn't respond at all. I tried calling him but it went in vain. And today also he left before seeing me." Hania explained her situation to her friend.

" hanu how you can tell him such an important thing on text. And after that confession you guys didn't had a contact , simply amazing. By the way what you were expecting from him. He will be pleased to know this and that too after telling him something so important this casually." saira sighed in frustration.

" what was his mood when he was here ? Did he look annoyed?" Hania asked.

" His expressions were very quite neutral. I couldn't make out what he was feeling exactly."
Hania nodded

" Okay hanu whatever happened shouldn't have happened this way but at least now he knows. He wouldn't be under any delusion. By the way you were just marrying him to escape from your problems. There weren't any emotions involved. Neither you have feelings for him nor does he. I will suggest next time if you meet him do sort out things. So there isn't much hindrance to your future plans. Don't worry he will come back , he also has a precious secret to hide from this world. More than you his dignity is at stake. "Saira said in an attempt to console her

Hania didn't respond but instead she just stared at Saira with blankness in her eyes.

Soon dinner was served and everyone got busy in fulfilling their appetite.

When everyone left Hanu went to her room. After this eventful day she hoped to find some solace in prayer. After praying for sometime she decided to call Ayaan but it was of no use. She went back to her prayer mat and sat there blankly. She didn't realize when sleep consumed her.

She woke up as usual early in the morning and carried out her routine task.  She decided to join office back. She took a leave from office for two weeks. She thought work will serve as a distraction.

Her parents resisted but she convinced them. She decided not to take that particular route to office. That route had that house which was once her happy place. But now just thinking about that house brings tear in her eyes.

She got herself busy in the work so those overbearing thoughts might leave her mind.

It was one week to their Nikkah  and to her dismay there wasn't any communication with Ayaan. Samra and Usman called her twice to ask about her wellbeing. She wanted to ask them about Ayaan but decided not to. According to their parents it was a love marriage and how will she tell them that she even doesn't know what her so called husband thinks of her.

Like usual she went to office skipping that route. It was a normal day at work. She completed her work bit earlier.

Today she felt a sudden urge to go that house. Maybe that place will fill her heart with some warmness.

While driving towards that house  thought of Ayaan crossed her mind.

“ I never imagined this that there will be this uneasiness between us. Why can't you just speak to me. Why you always stay quiet and not express your feelings. " Hania said to herself.

Finally she reached her destination , with slow steps she walked towards the main door. She rung the bell expecting the door will open this time.

She waited and waited but the door remained close still. She looked at the window. Past memoires hit her and tears started to dwell in her eyes.
“ If you were here I wouldn't be in this situation. It was meant to be your place. " Hania said looking at the window.

With a heavy heart she moved away. Instead of going home directly she decided to pay a visit to the nearby park - their sukoon ghar ( place of peace ).

To her relief park was almost empty.  Hania sat in a bench and started to think about her life journey. She was so busy in her thoughts that she didn't take notice of time. It was the last thing which bothered her.

Not only past was haunting her but Ayaan was also one of the reasons of her mental chaos. Saira said she is disappointed more than expected. Why was she thinking about Ayaan he is meant to be no one in her life just a so called husband.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned back to see who was it. Seeing that person tears welled up in her eyes.

“So you are finally here. You know I was waiting for you but do you Care ?" Hania said in a broken a voice and wiped the tear which rolled down her cheek.

 You know I was waiting for you but do you Care ?" Hania said in a broken a voice and wiped the tear which rolled down her cheek

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(Hania"s outfit that day)

Salaam so I uploaded this new chapter. Do vote and comment. They are key motivational factors.

Can you guys share  your study hacks with me  , I am in dire need of it .

Allah hafiz and take care 💜

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