19. giving it a chance ?

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Hope is a very powerful emotion ; it gives you strength to live even in the most unbearable situations.

In a flicker of moment he could feel the hope turning into hopelessness.

" I wish, It was me instead of him. "
She said with a broken voice.

He froze as her words hit him and next instance withdrew his hand as a fresh tear cascaded down.

A sudden twinge struck him ; why you have to be so oblivious to my feelings , he silently asked her with his eyes.

"Ayy.." She was stuttering but before she could complete he intervened.

" Nah. Hania , i guess there is no need to say anything more. Its enough for the day. " he said with a pained expression.

Hania was dazed and confused seeing his reaction. He was sad. He was disinterested or just simply fed up with her. She couldn't clearly make out what was going in his mind.

Without sparing her any further look he walked out.

" I wish I could erase all the pain you have to go through because of me. " she said as he was midway.

He stopped for a second hut didnt turn back.

She closed her eyes in disappointment.

In a wink of eye, he was gone , leaving her behind to deal with her inner demons.

Ayaan's POV

ah , where life has taken me , i finally thought I found solution to all the problems. To her problems. To mine. But here I am stuck in this muzzle of emotions , once again.

What is my fault ?

Getting married to her.

Nevertheless I even lost hope of seeing her again. It was a tough decision yet i decided to move on. To marry someone whom my Allah has written for me.

And at that exact point she came back into my life. With her so called proposal.; The proposal which brought a 360° change in my life.
I can't fathom how it all happened , it was quick. Like it was all destined to happen.

The Hania I knew and the Hana whom I met after ages weren't the same person. They seemed as two different individuals
Her eyes, once filled with emotions were now devoid of any. Seeing her like this was making me feel uneasy to the extent that I wanted to erase all her afflictions. Be her shield.

I didn't know how to say to her but this time didn't want to let her go. If she wouldn't have asked , I might would have remained silent this time also.

Eventually We both wanted the same thing, but out motives were different. For her it's just a contract but for me its the bond of nikkah which has bound us.

Circumstances after our nikkah became bit weird. I wanted to be with her but couldn't. Then unexpectedly I saw her at park , it was breaking my heart to see her like that.

I regret how I couldn't contact her after our nikkah , she would have felt so dejected. And when I finally I met her at park , she looked so shattered. Seeing her like this caused a prick in my heart ; somehow I was also cause of this.

Guilt plus the love I always had for her were making me overlook all the hints which were signalling things are way more complicated than they seem. By all means I wanted to be with her , if she wouldn't have push the rukhsati then I might would done it.

Then the day came when all my unsaid prayers got answered. I couldn't process how to handle this surge of happiness.

This significant day I always knew would change my life but never in this way I could imagine. The dream which I was rejoicing was nothing but a mere delusion.

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