Speaker after speaker went up to the podium. And they took their time bragging about what great work their families and companies did for charity.
Adrien was bored out of his mind listening to them. But a smile crossed his lips when he glanced over at Ladybug and caught her stifling a yawn. It was nice to know that he was in good company.
When the speakers finally wrapped up, everyone started their five course dinner.
Adrien and Ladybug chatted off and on during the appetizer course. They talked during the soup course. And they laughed during the main course.
Then they got to the cheese course, which was a little more complicated because Adrien had to keep secretly grabbing some of the cheese and moving it under the table. That way Plagg could eat it without being seen. But it didn't stop him from thoroughly enjoying his time.
And boy, was he enjoying it.
"So we had to go all the way back," Ladybug said, finishing her story.
"Really?" Adrien replied, laughing.
"Yeah, it took forever!"
"Wow, that's amazing Mari..." Adrien started to say before stopping.
Ladybug turned her head slightly in surprise.
"I... I'm sorry," he sputtered. "I uh, was about to call you the wrong name." He paused before continuing more quietly. "You... you remind me of someone."
She smiled. "Someone nice, I hope."
"Yeah, she is nice."
A bigger smile as Ladybug turned to her plate to try a piece of Roquefort.
Adrien turned to his plate too. But not so he could eat, so he could think. He ignored the persistent tap on his leg from Plagg, who was demanding more cheese.
That was really strange. He almost called her 'Marinette' by mistake. Spending so much time with the girl recently must have pushed her to the forefront of his mind. Plus, he wasn't kidding when he said that Ladybug reminded him of Marinette; they were pretty similar.
Marinette was sweet and kind, just like Ladybug was. She was smart and brave, and she cared about people, just like Ladybug did.
They were very similar.
In fact, now that he really thought about it, Marinette possessed every positive quality that he admired so much in Ladybug. Every single one.
They were too similar.
But there was so much more. The way Marinette spoke, with gentleness and integrity, was amazing. The way she carried herself, with quiet determination and fearlessness, was extraordinary.
Yes, Marinette was simply miraculous. She was incredible, astonishing, and phenomenal; the everyday version of Ladybug.
And suddenly Adrien was having trouble breathing.
How had he never noticed it before? It was undeniable, unshakable, and inescapable. The truth that had been staring at him in the face for so long was finally upon him, about to be acknowledged in his mind.
He quickly glanced over at Ladybug before he let the realization fully wash over him.
It was coming.
And here it was.
He was in love with Marinette.
And suddenly his heart was racing. Plagg was right. He was in love with her. The whole entire time. That's why he had originally said 'yes' when he tried to say 'no' when she asked him out. He was subconsciously telling himself what he really wanted.

Seven Seconds
FanfictionAdrien finds a lost video on his phone. Set in the middle of season four. #1 Miraculous #1 MLB #1 Ladynoir #1 Adrienette #1 Marichat #1 Ladybug #2 Ladrien Word Count: 94,279