A Bundle of Nerves

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And the day didn't get better after school.

It was time for the news conference. There were already a bunch of photographers and news reporters at the mansion when Adrien arrived home. Once he saw them there, his nerves overtook his usually calm disposition.

After parking the car, his bodyguard quickly ushered him inside to the foyer where Nathalie was waiting for him.

"Adrien, put your school things away in your room and come back down immediately. As soon as Ladybug arrives, I'll walk both of you through what will happen during the conference."

With a groan he complied, just not as quickly as Nathalie had hoped. She was tapping her foot on the marble floor when he finally sulked back down the stairs. "You better shape up before your father comes out here. He won't be pleased with that demeanor of yours."

"My father? Not pleased about something? Wow, what a shocker," he muttered.

Nathalie pursed her lips but didn't get a chance to reply as Gorilla was guiding Ladybug through the front door. "Ladybug," she greeted the superhero. "You're right on time. I'd like to discuss how this is all going to go."

Ladybug nodded before looking over at Adrien. "Hello," she said timidly.

"Hi Ladybug," he replied. "Thank you so much for agreeing to do this. You know you don't have to."

A shrug. "Yeah, I know. But if it helps you out, I don't mind. You know us superheroes, always wanting to help," she said with a weak smile.

"Yeah. Well I really appreciate it."

"So," Nathalie said, getting down to business. "I'll go out first and give a quick statement. Then I'll introduce you to the press, who will have a few questions. Adrien, you already know how to answer them appropriately. Ladybug, you haven't had as much experience with the media as Adrien has, so it's alright if you want to leave most of the talking to him."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Ladybug insisted.

"I have no doubt that you will be," Gabriel said, surprising everyone as he exited his study. "Ladybug, thank you again for going along with this."

"You're very welcome, Mr Agreste. Will you be joining us for the conference?"

"I'm afraid not. I usually leave these types of things to Adrien. He's the one the press really want to see, after all."

Ladybug nodded.

"Well good luck. I'll be watching the live broadcast from in here," Gabriel continued before heading back to his study.

Nathalie signaled to the pair for them to follow her. "The most important thing is that you portrait the idea of a happy couple," she said, leading them toward the front door. Once she reached it, she turned back. "Hold hands," she commanded.

Both teens reluctantly extended their arms out and clasped hands.

Nathalie nodded. "I'll go out first and introduce you." Then she made her way outside with Gorilla, leaving the pair alone.

An awkward silence.

But Ladybug didn't mind the silence at all. She was busy mentally preparing herself for what was about to happen. She was a professional, she could easily handle a little news conference. Even if it was a big lie.

Being a superhero, she had to lie all the time, and this would be no different. Like usual, she was lying for the right reason; she was lying to help Adrien.

All she had to do was focus. She was a professional, and this had to be done.

'Just don't think about it,' she told herself. Don't think about how she was holding Adrien's hand. Don't think about how it felt different with her gloves on. And definitely don't think about how much she had missed doing that.

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