Spine Tingling

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The kiss was everything Chat Noir could have dreamed of.

And this time there was no unsettling feeling. Just pure and utter happiness.

After a few seconds he pulled away. But he didn't go too far. He stayed right up close to Marinette and gazed into her eyes.

She gazed right back.

Needing more, he glanced down at her lips. "Can I do that again?" he whispered.

With a faint smile, she nodded.

So he leaned in and kissed her.

That kiss lasted longer than the first one. Then Chat Noir pulled back. After catching his breath, he asked another question. "And again?"

"Yes," Marinette barely got out before he pressed his lips to hers. And this time she moved her hands up and wrapped them around his neck.

By the time they separated, they were both gasping for air. So as they caught their breath, Chat Noir leaned his forehead against hers. "Thank you Marinette."

A small laugh. "You don't have to thank me."

"Yes I do. Thank you for letting me kiss you. You know how much I've wanted to do that."

"Actually no," she said, surprised by his confession. "I didn't know you felt that way, Chaton."

And upon hearing the nickname, the happiness was suddenly replaced by a sinking feeling in his stomach. Chat Noir released his grip on her and moved back.

He couldn't believe he messed up again. He just kissed her as Chat Noir instead of Adrien. How incredibly stupid of him.

Marinette blinked as she lowered her arms back down to her sides. "Wha... what's wrong?" she asked hesitantly.

"I... I'm sorry. I... shouldn't have done that," he sputtered.

And he watched as the light in her eyes dimmed. "You shouldn't have done that?" she repeated quietly. "But you just said..."

"I know, and I'm sorry. Please forgive me for that. I made a mistake. That... that shouldn't have happened."

For a second Marinette stared at him, tears welling up. Then she nodded. "Okay, I... understand. I think we just got caught up in the moment. It's completely understandable. Please don't worry about it, Chat."

"I... I'm so sorry."

"No, it... it's fine," she forced out. "Everyone makes mistakes. Seriously, it's not a big deal."

Chat Noir felt like the worst person in the world. Here he was, telling her that kissing her was a mistake. And there was Marinette, trying to make him feel better about it.

"I uh, I think I'm going to go to bed now," Marinette continued. "It's pretty late, and I have school tomorrow. So uh, I hope you have a good night," she finished before walking around him and over to the hatch.

Watching her go, he wanted to cry. He couldn't leave it like this. He couldn't let her think that she was the problem. So he said the thing he shouldn't have said. "Princess, I'm in love with you."

About to open the hatch, Marinette stopped. Then after a second she stood back up and turned around to face him. "Why would you say that?" she whispered.

"Because it's the truth," he insisted. "I'm in love with you, and kissing you wasn't the mistake. You misunderstood. I was trying to say that I shouldn't have kissed you when I was transformed. I love you Marinette, and I want to date you. But that needs to be done as my civilian self, not as Chat Noir."

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