February 2016.

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"Hmm. Ok, let's see... Birmingham?"




"What then?... Dublin?"

"What?! Do I sound like I'm from Dublin?"

He asks dramatically holding onto his chest. I laugh because he's even more dramatic than I am.

"Hey, you know the accent thing is still new to me. You all sound British."

He insists that they sound different but my ears hear the same thing.

"Ok then... London?"

"Close. Leeds."

"Oh. Why didn't you study at Leeds then?"
I ask genuinely curious. I heard Leeds University is pretty great. People come from all over the world to go there.

"Change of scenery."
I guess that makes sense.

"Also, Sophia was coming here."

"Aww, you guys were high school sweethearts."

It's hard to explain the love this man has for his girlfriend. You can see it in the way he looks at her, the pride on his face when he talks about her. I wonder if she knows how lucky she is.

I used to have a crush on him until I realized it was a waste of my energy. There's no way he's ever going to leave her. Especially not for someone like me.

But I've learned to accept it, his friendship through the weeks was something I didn't know I needed.

It feels good talking to someone again, the only other person I felt so close to was my sister.

After Olli made me promise to visit the eatery again at Harry's Christmas get-together, I did. Everyday. 

The walks were good for me.

 I found out he insisted because he used to get bored all on his own. I didn't mind hearing that because I used to get bored too.

He was all alone in an almost empty town and I was too. We both couldn't go home... for different reasons I guess.

"Yes, mam. So how about you? You never talk much about someone special in your life."

That's because there isn't one. Why is that? Well, I don't really know a lot of boys my age. I was home-schooled and I'm not sure how else I was supposed to meet people.

I didn't really have friends to go out with and all the events my parents used to force me to weren't exactly for teenagers.

I was always the youngest person wherever we went.


"I guess there was someone back at home I had a little thing with, but that was short-lived."

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