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"And with that..." You close the book that laid on your table, brushing the imaginary dust off the cover with a pleased expression. "I'm done. Again."

You finished rereading your book for the third time this week. The same book. Because this week, you had nothing else better to do except reread the same damn book over and over again. Nothing new, nothing interesting except stupid, petty drama that nobody except teenage girls would be interested in.

I need something new. Something... exciting.

You narrow your eyes at your desk and strum your nails against the mahogany. I need a new scoop.

Suddenly, something (or more specifically, someone) burst through the doors with a wide grin. "Y/N-sama! I found our new assignment!" F/N proclaimed loudly, standing up straight, proud and tall.

You try to not look excited, but your eyes give off a subtle shine as you talk, "Good, what happened?"

"Have you heard about the volleyball team? They got new first-year players!" She said, excited. "I watched them for a few minutes and they're so good! Plus, that new blonde first year is popular with the ladies! Just mentioning him will make some of 'em freak out and read it!"

She squealed, then took in a deep breath and brought out her glasses case. She wiped the foggy lenses and then placed them back on her face. "This is gonna be so fun!" She had whispered lowly to herself, face growing hot. "I'm gonna spend more time with my Y/N-sama and since this idea is super cool she's gonna be so proud of me! Then she-"

"Mmm, that's great, but are you sure students would be interested?" You sighed, placing your pen down and turning your head to her. "Teams get new players all the time at the start of the year. There are much more interesting stories, like how the soccer team's captain lashed out at the coach and slapped him-"

She bounced up to you and then spun around your spinny chair, looking directly at you with her hands on your shoulders. "You don't understand, Y/N-sama! They're crazy good! I heard one came from Kitagawa Daiichi! And the blonde first year is like, 6'2! Oh-oh, there's one who can jump like- 5 feet into the air or something! C'mon Y/N-sama, we have to check them out!"

She shook your shoulders, making you slightly dizzy and your vision started to spin. Standing up, you rolled your eyes, placing your finger on her lips forcing her to shut up. You pat her shoulder for a second, then start to walk out.

"Hmm, fine. Tell Umiko-chan we're going out. Also, ask Minoko-chan to publish the story about the coach who was at Shiratorizawa." You dismissively waved your hand. F/N stood up straight, saluting you with a grin.

"Yes ma'am!" She rushed off.

You grabbed your phone, put it in your pocket, then grabbed a camera, slinging it around your neck. Only a few minutes later, F/N ran back and stood next to you, pushing her glasses up.

"Okay, let's go!"

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"So, did they know you were watching them?" You had asked her. She stayed silent for a second, a guilty look forcing itself onto her face.

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