chapter three

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Somehow we were obligated to attend a memorial for Heather. I personally didn't mind because she was my friend. Others however are not pleased.
I was walking on to the bus when I saw simon. God of course he is dressed like the witch. I walked by him and said, "dude you look like my uncles left toe."
He said, "beware the witch might put a curse on ya." Simon wiggled his fingers in my face. I sighed and shook my head. He drives me crazy sometimes but he is one of my best friends. So, I guess I made a commitment.
kate waved me over to her seat.
"hey you look nice," kate said while looking in the bus window at her reflection. I spoke, "thank you." I had been friends with kate since pre-k. She is my best friend. I have many best friends. Although, I'm closest to her.
I was starring down at my nail beds when the bus started moving. I asked, "are you up to anything later." She was fixing her ponytail. Kate sighed and said, "babysitting with simon. Planning to use it to my own advantage."
I laughed, "so you plan to use these kids for your drug trafficking. She smacked my arm, "well when you put it like that that makes me sound evil. I'm just doing business."
I smiled and nodded slowly, "yeah sure you are."
I turned back around and saw Deena listening to music and looking outside the bus.
kate said, "you know I really feel bad for her. You know? Sam broke her heart and now she has to talk to her tonight."
My eyebrows raised, "I thought you didn't want to get involved with their drama?"
She said, "I'm not! I'm just stating what is right in front of me."
(author note: idk who my love interest should be, give suggestions)
   We arrived at the memorial. Officer Goode gave some cheap fake speech. I only came to spend time with my friends and remember Heather for who she was.
who she really was.
Intelligent, ambitious, cunning, kind, funny, and overall the greatest person you could ever work with.
I pushed it down. All of the emotions that were stirring from within me. I felt like any second I would loose it. I have a hard time of expressing myself. The last time I really cried was when my dad died. I vowed from that day on that I would not let how I feel cloud my mind and my judgement.
   Candles were being lit and I looked over at kate who was standing beside me as always. We always could tell how each other felt, but in that moment she couldn't read me. I held my breath and tried to take my mind somewhere else.

I turned to hear shouting and people fighting.
holy shit.
it all happened so fast and before I knew it we were back on that damn bus.
Everyone was chanting, "shadyside, shadyside!"
I was already feeling better. This energy motivated me and I never wanted to destroy those preppy assholes more in my life.
That's when I heard someone yell, "guys come here."
It was Deena and she was hovering over at the back door. I rushed over with simon and kate. It was those jocks and sam. I remembered one of them.
I said under my breath, "no god damn way- is that Peter?" kate said, "holy shit that's your ex right?"
simon said, "hold up- you dated peter."
I said, "worst decision ever. we broke up two years ago."
I continued, "he said and I quote 'I can't be seen with a shadysider like you anymore.' I mean how shallow can you be?"
They we're still throwing bottles at the back of the bus with their trashy skullmasks covering their faces.
Deena then grabbed the cooler and said forcefully to kate, "open the door."
"jesus deena are you mental," I asked while trying to stop her. But, kate had already opened the door. The wind came rushing in and the cold air made me realize how serious this situation is. I glanced over at simon and we gave each other the look. He grabbed my hand which was something I never expected him to do, maybe he just doesn't want me to be clumsy and fall out.
All I heard was, "Deena your nose."
then their was a loud crash.
Deena shrieked, "stop the bus."
The car had gone off the road. I said, "oh my god what did you do."

we had just caused an accident.

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