Daphne Jase is a 17 year old high school student that lives in shadyside (murder capital USA). She works in the shadyside mall at the bookstore. Everything is normal until her best friends get into trouble and things turn dark.
*update I will b...
Deena ran out of the bus towards the crash. Kate and I chased her. Kate shouted, "Deena wait!" Simon followed shortly after. We got there and Sam was crawling on her hands and knees. Deena said quietly while examining her, "your nose.." Simon sat down next to her and asked, "okay how many fingers am I holding up." She was squinting her eyes. Sam answered, "three?" He turned his head to us and said, "see guys she is fine." But he was shortly cut off by Sam coughing up blood everywhere. Simon jumped back while his white shirt was stained with a deep red. She got some of her blood on my leg and my cheer skirt. "holy shit, we need to call someone," kate said while eyeing the blood on me. ___________________ Soon the cops and an ambulance arrived. Sheriff Goode interviewed each one of us. I didn't tell him anything important. What would he do? He spoke, "a couple people saw you at the back of the bus when it happened. What were you doing?" I said, "is there physical evidence that I was ever at the back of the bus?" His eyebrow raised and said, "well no-" I cut him off, "then no, I deny these allegations that I was by the back of the bus when the accident took place." I continued, "now, are you done questioning me because not everyone's lives are perfect and I have to be home soon." He sighed and said, "fine you are free to go."
I got home eventually and it was silent in the house as usual. I set my bag down on the table and walked over to the fridge. Of course there is barely anything because my mom and I have not gone to the store in awhile. I was exhausted from the accident and everything that has happened in the last view days. I had cereal for dinner. My head hurt and I was sore. I slowly took out my ponytail and ran my fingers through my hair. I looked down and the dried blood was still on my leg. I took a long breath while starring up at ceiling. I thought to myself, I should take a shower. ____________________ I turned on the water and let the shower heat up. I took off my uniform and threw it in the laundry machine. When I got in the shower I started washing the blood off of me. I felt better now that I was clean. A few minutes passed and I was rinsing the soap off of me.
I heard a thump outside of the bathroom. My hand reached to turn off the water. I shouted, "mom? Are you home." I stepped out of the shower and was wrapping a towel around me. There was no answer, but I could still hear the noises. I felt a cold feeling shiver up my spine. Is it my mom? She probably couldn't hear me. I walked slowly over to the door and put my fingers lightly on the handle. I quickly opened the door and no one was visible in the hall. Water was dripping from my hair. I peered into the kitchen and I didn't see anyone. Another loud crash came from the laundry room. Hell no I'm not getting my ass killed today. I sped to the cabinet and grabbed a knife. As I headed back down the hall I was so focused. The laundry room door was half open and the noises were coming from inside the room. I went up against the wall and glanced into the laundry room. There was a tall man dressed in a skull costume. skull costume... that motherfucker- I opened the door and screamed, "Peter what the actual fuck are you doing in my god damn house." He turned and I saw something shiny in his hand. My heart stopped for a second. Peter had a knife in his hand, but it was covered in blood. I fell back and started to panic. I screamed at the top of my lungs and sprinted down the hall. I reached my bedroom and saw him come out. I used my whole body and slammed the door shut. I said under my breath, "oh fuck oh fuck." There was no sound from outside. I let out a loud sigh and realized that he was probably just messing with me.
____________________ I got dressed and was still holding up my guard. *her outfit :) if you want to use it:
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_____________________ I finally came out of my room with a knife still in my hand. I don't know if he was joking or serious. The phone was up on the wall close to the kitchen. I dialed Deena's number into the phone and held it up to my ear. She answered and said, "Johnson residents, who is this?" "Deena Deena- I need to come over to your house now. Peter broke in and tried to freak me out," I said quickly. She said, "get here now. We all need to talk." Her tone changed and she sounded angry. I hung up the phone and got my keys. ____________________ I knocked at the door and saw kate appear. She let me in and everyone was sitting there. I asked, "what's going on?" Kate said, "your not the only one Peter has creeped on. He was in the house Simon and I were babysitting in. And was stalking at Deena's house." Simon looked up at me and said, "the perv was going through the laundry." I spoke, "that was what he was doing at my house too." "I was showering and he broke in and was searching in my laundry. I grabbed a knife and locked myself in my room. That's when he left," I explained while scratching the back of my neck.
Deena said, "this is so stupid. Let's go up to the hospital and give Sam and her sketchy boyfriend a piece of our minds."