Daphne Jase is a 17 year old high school student that lives in shadyside (murder capital USA). She works in the shadyside mall at the bookstore. Everything is normal until her best friends get into trouble and things turn dark.
*update I will b...
I was at the police station. Officer Goode took us in for questioning. It had been two days since the night at the grocery store. I still had faint bruise marks on my neck. My mom and I were on good terms. She talked to me about the necklaces and about her sisters/mother. Obviously I had to lie about where I got the necklace. I told her that I found it when I was walking.
She believed me. My mom said that I could keep the necklace, she has one just like it because the lane sisters had matching necklaces. Inside was a picture of all three of them. My mom was very little and ruby was a teenager. Abigail was holding ruby's hand while my mom was on the other side waving and smiling.
*this is daphne's outfit if you want
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Officer Goode sat down quietly in the chair across the table. He was questioning me. "what happened that night? I'm just trying to sort things out," he said. I looked down at my feet and spoke, "no your not." I starred him dead in the eyes. "all you care about is finding someone to blame. You don't care about peace or justifying other's actions." "we came to you for help that night and look what happened. kate and simon are dead and many other innocent people." "there is no way that I can explain what happened and sound normal. But, I won't let you drag my friend's name through the mud."
he sighed, "I want to help you, I really do, but if you aren't honest with me there is truly nothing I can do."
I caught him starring at my necklace.
"do you recognize this," I asked.
he hesitated. "oh um no sorry," he said glancing away.
"I think I've gotten enough information you can go now," goode said. that was strange.
I got up slowly and went out of the room. Deena and Sam were sitting together. I gazed at both of them. I nodded at them.
Deena gave me an empathetic look. ______________
I sat in my room. It was very late and it was growing dark. I then heard someone banging on my door. My mom was at work. I was paranoid from what went down. I walked up to the door.
"who is it," I said loudly.
"it's me deena look something is wrong with Sam and we need you," she said. I sighed, "fine okay."
She led me out to the drive way and I heard grunting from the trunk.
"what the hell is that,"
She used her keys and opened the trunk. "it's sam."
holy- She was tied up. Her face was pale and she looked possessed. __________________
We arrived at C. Berman's house. It was very quiet.
It was only us left. Josh Deena and me.
I went up and knocked on the door. No one answered.
"guys are you sure you got the right address," I asked. Deena was pissed. She started banging on the door. At that moment a woman opened the door. I think she knew when she saw us that we were the ones that called her.
She looked like she saw a ghost.
"abby," she asked softly. "no um I'm daphne," I said.
"wait you mean abigail lane," I asked puzzled.
"yes we went to camp together. You look exactly like her," she said rubbing her head. Deena said, "we need your help."
C. Berman was about to shut her door.
"wait! Please help us," I said. She ended up opening the door back up and telling us to come inside quickly.
She had us sit down inside her living room while grabbing something.
I whispered to josh, "you sure she isn't insane?"
She came back in and sat down right in front of us.
"for me to help you, you have to understand."
"it all started at camp."
"and a week later my sister and bestfriend were dead."
Fear street part one: finished Part two: starting 8/6/21