Daphne Jase is a 17 year old high school student that lives in shadyside (murder capital USA). She works in the shadyside mall at the bookstore. Everything is normal until her best friends get into trouble and things turn dark.
*update I will b...
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*Or you can imagine her however you want :)
I had the late shift again at the bookstore with Heather. She was talking to this woman while I was in the back part of the store unpacking some knew orders that arrived in the evening. After the woman left I walked back up to the front and saw Heather sticking up her middle finger. I laugh, "customer service at its finest." She looked at me a smiled. An hour and a half went by and the mall was officially closed. I asked Heather as she walked back into the shop, "do you need a ride home? because my mom is literally going to kill me if I don't get back home by curfew." I hopped up onto the counter and dangled my feet down. She said, "ryan is giving me a ride home." Heather let me have a sip of her drink. "did he give that dumbass doll a name yet," I said. She spoke, "yes actually Jasmine. So much more dignified now." I giggled and handed her back her drink. My head tilted to the side and I said quietly, "heather?" A smile stretched across my face. She narrowed her eyes at me and sigh, "what do you need daphne?" I batted my eyes at her and asked, "do you think you could close up shop tonight?" She rubbed her temples and said, "fine fine. I know your mom is strict about being out late on the shittyside." "you are a lifesaver," I said while grabbing my coat and my keys. after I had all of my stuff I exclaimed, "make sure to get home safely." I pulled her into a hug and hurried out of the bookstore. Before I left she said, "hey daphne?" I turned, "yes?" She said, "can you give this to ryan on your way out." Heather handed me a box of storage. "It was delivered to the wrong store," she spoke. I shrugged and said, "sure whatever." After I had the box in my grasp I yelled, "see you at school tomorrow!" She said, "see ya." ___________________ here is daphne's outfit:
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I had to hurry home. I walked across the food court to get to the store. I smiled slightly as I walked into the store. Ryan and I had never been friends but we worked so close together we always shared a conversation or some witty joke. Heather and I became close friends when I started to work at the bookstore over the summer. My dad died and I needed to find some way to make some money. My mom tries her best but this town is dead, so sometimes it's hard to make the cut at a stable job. I shouted, "ryan I have a delivery." no one answered. "I know your in here. Are you trying to be scary because it's not working," I said in a playful tone. Ryan was always the one for joking around.
Still no answer. Maybe he just ran out somewhere. I calmly set the heavy box on the floor right next to the entrance were he could see it. Something felt off but I didn't know what it was. I just ignored the feeling I had in my gut and hurried out of the mall. I exited the building and went to my car.
As I usually did every night. took the backroads. tried not to fall asleep. and headed home.
my mom works all kinds of jobs so she is not home very often. That's why she is so strict about me being home early, because if something ever happened to me she wouldn't know until the next morning.