Daphne Jase is a 17 year old high school student that lives in shadyside (murder capital USA). She works in the shadyside mall at the bookstore. Everything is normal until her best friends get into trouble and things turn dark.
*update I will b...
I had sat down at a bench outside. When I finished eating I figured that I should start setting up for color war.
Last year, I would just sneak off with ziggy and see if the counselors had any booze in their things. But, this year I have responsibilities. The fire was raging and it was extremely dark out.
I figured that I would change before I went out. *the outfit if you want to use it:
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The shadyside campers were all huddled while listening to tommy explain the rules.
It was kind of awkward considering my mom attacked him earlier. I just decided to keep things as casual as possible.
It's for the campers, right? ____________________
When I reached him the campers eyed me and tommy rubbed the back of his neck feeling as uncomfortable as I was. I spoke, "listen guys, I know what happened earlier shocked all of you, but we need to focus on the game. Let's finally win this for shadyside."
I saw a grin appear on the campers faces.
I swallowed and looked at my feel forcing a smile on my lips. Tommy continued explaining the different jobs and plans.
He handed the flag to Jeremy and told him that his role was very important. I was happy that they gave jer a good role in the games. He always was a sweet kid and I'm glad he has that kind of honor.
Tommy was speaking, "so you need to-"
He stopped talking and was quiet. Zoning out his face was like a ghost. Eyes wide and a blank expression.
Cindy came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, "hey tommy are you okay?"
He snapped out of it and turned to her and the campers, "yeah I'm good, uh you got this abby?"
"yup um come on guys let's get ready. The games are starting very soon," I said moving the campers away as I peaked behind me at tommy who was feeling the back of his head. I let out a sigh while watching the the campers go in the direction I pointed them in.
Something was off with him.
maybe he had a concussion.
I wanted to visit ziggy before everything started. ______________
"knock knock," I said while walking into her cabin. She was mixing something in a bucket while the wall behind her was splattered in curse words. "holy shit what happened," I asked while looking around the room.
"sheila happened. I have to get her back," she said in an angry tone.
"I really want to help you but I have to supervise color war tonight," I said.
"right you are some big hot shot now because your a counselor," she said under her breath. "hey ziggy, I may have more responsibility, but I'm still the same person," I spoke.
She sighed while stirring what looked like red paint. It was silent but I said, "well I have to go."
She nodded while still quiet. I was about to walk out before I started digging in my jean pockets.
"ziggy catch," I said while she looked up at me.
I threw her keys and winked at her. "you may be able to find something helpful in the counselor's cabins."
She smirked and I left the room without another word.