Daphne Jase is a 17 year old high school student that lives in shadyside (murder capital USA). She works in the shadyside mall at the bookstore. Everything is normal until her best friends get into trouble and things turn dark.
*update I will b...
I got dressed and ready for the long day ahead of me. *her outfit if you want to use it:
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I had a painting class for color war tonight. I need to supervise the campers. My hair was down in a low bun with a few strands of hair out in the front. *idea <3
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I was ready to go out and excited about spending the day with the campers. I like having responsibility, it gives me a certain control when things are sort of 'out of control'. I stepped out and felt the still heat of summer. No breeze, but it was extremely humid.
First, before the campers came into the arts and crafts center, I needed to get water for the kids to wash their brushes off. I wanted to make the shadyside campers happy as possible because I knew that this would be another year that we would lose to sunnyvale. I walked across the field towards the woods. That's were the water was since we had pipe problems at the place we usually get water.
One of the other counselors dianne came over to me and said, "you better hurry the campers are going to be in there soon." I grinned and said, "yes I will."
She handed me two heavy metal buckets for the water. Dianne spoke, "I'm counting on you abigail."
"then you have nothing to worry about," I hollered as I was sprinting away towards the trees. I love the woods. Something about the atmosphere just seemed to close in, like a calm feeling after being stressed all day.
There was no sound except the animals scurrying away and my feet crunching on branches as I walked deeper into the wilderness. The water pump was just up ahead. I really hoped that the lever wouldn't be hard to push from the rust surrounding the edges. My fingers lightly grazed the metal of the bucket checking to see if I set it down in the right place for the water to hit the inside.
When everything was well I started pumping the water which surprisingly came out fast and easy even if it was old.