Chapter 4

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Aerie woke to the gentle sunshine that went through the window. Which then she did the check out as planned and walked to the bus station. She wore her headphones, playing the music list that would probably last for ten hours, taking her by the whole trip.

The bus came as expected, and with a bit of confirmation she got onto the bus and took a seat by the window. The views had been nice, and Aerie hoped that it wouldn't be any more crowded than it already was when she got on.

There was a boy on the other row, talking and screaming with the crowd surrounding him. The noise was so loud that it went through Aerie's headphones and went right into her ears that made her look in that direction. And through the silent mumbles that she could get hold of, she could hear that they were talking about something about ghost hunting. Or at least, what she thought.

"Hey." Brian said, turning to Aerie's direction, to her surprise, "Wanna join us? You have been looking for a while now."

It had been barely more than twenty minutes of the ride, and barely into the third song on her playlist. Still, Aerie pulled her headphones off, moving herself to the row they saw in, "If you don't mind."

"Great." Brian replied, "Lets hope that you also like road trips cause we will be talking about them. And my name is Brian, by the way."

"Aerie, by the way." Aerie replied, smiling as she greeted the group of three, "where are you going though?"

"Name's David. Since you're new to the group, maybe we'll explain it to you, then." Another boy from the group said, as he scrolled open the map in his backpack, "We usually go ghost hunting on weekends. If you don't sleep early at weekends, then you can consider joining us."

"I sleep at 3am in the morning, if you call that early," Aerie joked, "Anyways, then you must have the tools needed, right?"

"We have been hunting for three years for now." Brian replied, taking some of the contents in his bag onto the table, "Most of our tools are in our luggages, we're proud to say that theres really been quite a lot here."

"So you would just wander in general or do you follow specific guidelines, stories or something?" Aerie asked.

"Normally when we have sleepovers we would simply switch on the electric field detector and wait, but when theres a chance for us to hit the road, then we would probably do some research before then."

"Cool." Aerie said, "then you must be in luck. Heard that there were quiet a lot of haunted houses around London."

The only girl in their group laughed, pulling a pretty thick book from her backpack, "We don't go to haunted houses."

"Oh?" Aerie replied, "interesting. You must be really prepared."

"Lily, by the way." She continued, "This book we borrowed from the library talks about immortals. We think that the story sounded interesting, so we are going to try out the theories."

"Thats it?" Aerie laughed, "you're saying that you're gonna go hunting, in the middle of the night, just because you have read some fantasy book in the library?"

"No publisher, No author," Lily chuckled, starting at Aerie into her eyes, "And no proper cover too."

"Yeah?" Aerie commented, starting to get interested, "But its still very likely to be some random fantasy book in the library."

"I know." Lily continued to say, "But the truth is, we ain't no got this from a library. It came in as scraps from a thrift shop, pages slipped in cloaks and as wrapper of cups. Thats when we got interested. We got thrown out of the shop for destroying their wrappers, but we still got the whole book here. And its getting more funny when we are done."

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