Chapter 22

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⚠️TW: descriptions of violence/torture⚠️

The generator unlocked itself, revealing itself to them. Brian was amazed as the odor twisted and turned, and eventually what was in front of then was a dark staircase that lead down the hallway.

He somehow expected lights to come up, but none did even when he waited. Now this is getting fun. Brian thought. Maybe all they would have to do was to switch it on themselves. But that did not matter, at least to him. Aerie looked pretty concerned, and he had no idea why.

"Hey—" Brian said, "found a way down. Oh my god— he actually had a secret lab hidden down here!"

"Wait." Aerie said, "You're going down with just that?"

"I don't see why not." Brian said, and immediately ran into the dark staircase. "oh come on, don't be so boring."

"Wait—" Aerie yelled. But Brian was running so fast that he couldn't exactly catch what she said. He simply ran even if he could not see anything. He was sure that he could hear something. Maybe Aerie following, maybe Lily following. He didn't bother. He knew that if they came, they could catch up anytime soon.

"Hey look— theres doors to rooms! Its not like one single room, it literally leads to another area, a whole office!" Brian yelled. But there were no reply. Just him screaming and his echo coming back to him. "And theres gear— a lot of them too!"

They were being slow, and Brian was completely aware of that. Sometimes, its pretty boring when he was the fastest one and the rest were simply slow, it ruins the fun pretty much.

Brian looked back. There were no sign of them. He ran out of the patience to wait for them, and so he allowed his curiosity to rule him, and opened a box on the top. There were nothing. Except for documents. A whole box of documents lying around.

He sighed and slammed shut. With a massive secret office like this, he expected a lot of funny stuff. Maybe he was secretly making nuclear weapons. Maybe he was secretly holding an underground mafia.

But there were documents. A lot of documents, spread out nearly everywhere.

What? That dude had not enough space inside his massive office, now he needed another one to keep all of the papers? Imagine all the poor trees being cut down because of him. Obviously the boxes stacked so high that it reached the ceiling, and behind the boxes it would not be the end of the hallway.

So he sighed, and tiptoed to take the first box. It was heavy— extremely heavy. It was of so much weight that Brian could feel that if the box was on his hands for one more second, his ankle would be twisted into two.

Paper's always heavy. Brian tried to convince himself. But that heavy? He wondered. There were nothing expected when he opened the box— just documents and documents.

Maybe he was only being cautious. Brian went closer and picked up the stapled one on the top. There were words, a lot of them too. But none of them made any sense. And the paper was more of like junk, with the words being there simply to confuse people. Brian dug through the documents. And unsurprisingly, he eventually came into contact with cold metal.

Brian flipped it over. When he finally did, the contents surprised him. Bullets. It was an entire box of bullets.

He immediately understood why the documents were there— it was used to cover the bullets, the weapons.

"Oh god.." Brian whispered under his breath.

"What a waste." The voice of Professor Smith came from his behind, and walked towards Brian. "Thought I would be catching you at the party instead. Now you offered yourself to me, I stated to regret on the plan on giving the tickets to you. Was pretty much of work, you know."

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