Chapter 33

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"What?" Aerie asked. She watched as Cade entered the password onto the keypad. "Where's him now?"

"Its better if you haven't seen." Cade said, "apparently I couldn't insert permanent memories now, and I have no idea why. So there as a small change of a plan."

"So you're saying— you just muttered someone?" Aerie said, "thats- thats not-" she couldn't find words inside her throat. All she could only do was to watch Cade pull the cover of the well open and extended the rope ladder.

"Against ethics, heh?" Cade replied, "or against the law? Anyways, lets go. There's going to be more people, so we have to be more careful. And not stay at the same spot for too long anytime from now."

"You had done this before?" Aerie whispered. She stared at him, expecting him for an answer. It would be best if he meant a know, and she wont be unexpected if he answered a yes. But all Cade did was to avoid her sight and slowly made his way down the ladder.

That had to mean something beyond a simple 'yes'. A lot, maybe. Aerie sighed, and decided that repeating the question was not necessary- Cade had already heard of it.

There were much more lights once they were inside, there were a lot of people wandering around. Staff, they guessed. After they made their way to the changing room, and found a spare set of uniform. They walked around the floor, silently checking to see if their drab male matched with the actual floor plan.

And it did. At least for the first floor.

"About the body. Don't you think its weird?" Some of the staff said at a distance. "Sam never had a heart problem. But then he died from a heart attack, so suddenly."

"Its really common to have one these days. Thats why you have to check your body every year. Who knows?" The other replied.

So they had already found him. The guard. It was merely fifteen minutes, and it was not a good sign. That would mean that for anything that they would do, they would only have fifteen minutes to move to the net position. An extraordinary reaction rate.

That would be a problem theoretically when they had to get out form the lowest floor back to the ground, where the antidote was supposed to be stored. Running up twenty stories within fifteen minutes. That was pretty demanding even for professionals, not to say when they would have then stayed inside for so long- without sleep or sufficient water.

"What do we do now?" Aerie whispered. The uniform she found for herself was also too large. But with the given time to search around the meters large changing, a pair of jeans that wont fall off her legs were good enough to suffice. "They found out already."

"What are you scared of?" Cade asked, "It wasn't you. You weren't even there."

"But still- it wouldn't look good." Aerie said, "I have never had charges charges before. And people said that they were pretty difficult to get off too."

"Didn't you just got yourself into one a while ago?" Cade asked. "And as if we would be caught in the first place. The Association's also an underground organization. They wont want the local police to know about them too."

"But I didn't even actually went into the police station-" Aerie argued, "I was released at the door- they cancelled the charge just one second before."

"We would have to go to the third level to change for lift further down." Cade said, "and then we would have to consider some pickpocketing. If I were right, the cards of the security wont work anywhere further down level 3."

"Fine. Okay." Aerie said, grabbing the key card from Cade's hand and swiping it to enter the level they wanted to go to. "As if you had done a lot of those before."

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