Chapter 41

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⚠️TW: blood⚠️

Aerie rubbed her eyes when she sat straight on where she was. A locked room? Was it where she was? Though the only thing that she could see was the floor with all the grey color- she was not sure of where she was exactly were.

It was not. Aerie thought. She sat straight. It was a plain white bed, and the things were around her, messy. Files were out of space, lying all around the bank bed that she must have been for the moment ago. So it wasn't a jail, she noticed. Maybe somewhere where the people stayed and slept in, she had no idea.

But the files were definitely not supposed to be there. The papers spread all around the place, and god know how long would it every take to have them back into place, and how long it would take for anyone to even find some information among them. Aerie took a small breath before trying to push the door open. It did, to her relief.

There wasn't anyone there- to her surprise. There were more paper lying around, more tables and chairs that were being slipped over and mess up. It wasn't expected, Aerie was sure, but she was sleeping, she would have completely no idea of what had happened in here in the brief while that she was gone.

A break in? She guessed. It seemed to be the case when hints of blood started to show around the corners of paper. There must be some form of fighting before the doors of the rooms were being brutally broken into and ripped apart. The emergency alarms were sounding, and the back up lights were on.

By the looks of it, it was not a single person who caused the mess. It had to be a big group of people running around with the intention of taking the entire place down.

Who would it be, though? Though whoever it was, they must have the same aim with them, wanting to stop the hunt of immortals. They would have something to with The Association.

It was the same when Aerie walked to another floor. She stopped by the water refill, and grabbed a paper cup to pouring herself a cup of water. In fact, the case was even worse. More destruction. The electricity was completely off, without the torch at the door she was sure that she could not see anything on the level.

Aerie could occasionally see one or two of the people from The Association, but she could not see anyone else. All of the people who were lying unconsciousness on the ground had the same uniform on them- there were no other.

None of the 'other people' had been hurt, and there were no sign of fight happening anywhere near from here. It was quiet, and it seemed that whoever they were, they had searched in this place, and they did not get what they wanted.

"Help." One of the uniformed solider whispered. He was on the ground, face facing downwards. But even with him looking bad, he was alive. Aerie bent to look at him. Badly hurt with quite a lot of damages. She was sure that even when she helped him up, with the massive amount of damage that he had on his body, he could pose no harm.

"What happened?" Aerie asked gently when she handed him a cup of water.

"He's here." The soldier whispered, drinking the entire cup of water in one slip. They made eye contact when he finished. He was scared. Very. When he was talking, she could feel him shaking. "He's coming for us."

"Who he?" Aerie asked further. "Are they alone? Or are they in a group?"

"Haven't you heard of the warning?" He continued, "you shouldn't be here, if you're on our side. Anyone available should be heading to the top, its not safe in here. He'll get you. He will get every single one of us."

"Who—" Aerie continued, "who are you talking about?"

"Him." He replied, smiling bitterly. "The Only. He's here for the every single last one of us. He's alive."

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