Chapter 7

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Aerie breathed. They had talked over that before they went here. They decided that nobody would start the procedures before everyone agreed and decided to move forward.

The atmosphere was weirdly quiet. In fact, that wind blowing that was there a moment before and the noise of the night was gone, leaving the four alone in the abandoned ground, staring at themselves.

"What now?" Aerie said, "I— I don't know. I was scared."

"Its not your problem, don't blame yourself for it." Lily whispered, looking as scared as her.

"Don't you think that," Brian said, "Its a bit too quiet here?"

Aerie allowed her heart to beat as if it was speeding on a highway. She listened to the breathing of the group, staring into the woods and grass that moved in harmony even when the wind disappeared all of a sudden.

When their heart beat, when the four of them looked around, hands shaking. The air lit itself up for completely no reason at all. A red and yellow ball of fire. Everyone's attention darted towards the fire, looking at it when it is obviously also looking at the group. Silence in the midnight.

Aerie took a step towards it, with the stick firmly gripped in her hand, just a caution small step.

The fire stayed still mid air, and she took another step towards it.

"Don't—" Brian tried to say, but it was too late.

In a second, when Aerie's foot was halfway in the air, ready to take a third step, the air lit itself, forming a circle of fire around Aerie. She stopped, still on the very centimeter of land she was standing on, holding tight onto the fire proof clock that she was wearing.

'Hopefully this would work.' Aerie hoped, not daring to take another move. The fire was lit on nothing, as if air was alcohol or flammables. It was gentle, yellow on the ends with red in the inside. If it had not been fire, Aerie would have reached for it.

David stared at her. Lily braced, preparing to put the fire off instantly and free her from the circle.

"Relax." Aerie tried to yell, but it came out like a whisper when her voice trembled. "I'm fine."

"In the count of three," Lily breathed, walking to her with every step certain, "I will try to put out the fire at twelve o'clock direction and you will run, okay?"

"But they don't look dangerous." Aerie instead, "and—"

"Three." Lily stared at her, and without other thoughts, Aerie nodded, both facing the tiny ball of fire hovering between the two of them.

"Two." Aerie breathed, closing her eyes, and prepared to run.

"One—" Lily said, preparing her strike. Just when the two of them were fully prepared for the act, Brian yelled, in such a high pitch that nobody, not even Aerie, believed that it came from a eighteen boy.

Lily stared at him. Before another moment, Brian was running, hands on his head, running for his life. David ran, even faster. Lily stared at her, and then at the two. Aerie could feel her fear, but could not see what was bothering them— everything looked completely normal to her.

There was a moment of thought running through Lily's mind.

"I will come back to you." Lily whispered, eyes completely filed with fear, moist in below her eyelids lingering inside her eyeballs.

She was scared, the boys were scared. But there were nothing. Nothing.

The fire burned, and the sight remained so bad Aerie wished she had less short-sight. She was alone. There must be something inside the mist that they saw but she did not, and that feared them. Aerie had no idea what it was. But if she had to find out, she must walk out of the circle— the circle that trapped her.

Aerie's Fallen ImmortalWhere stories live. Discover now